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After the call, a disconcerted Uche broke the news to Winnie and watched as her eyes widened in shock.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go to the hospital immediately. Can I call you a cab? I'm really sorry," he said as they picked up their belongings and headed out of the garden. The whole time, he kept thinking of Ben. He had spoken him to him earlier in the day and couldn't believe the news he just heard.

"I'm going with you," Winnie said, dragging him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see they were in front of his car.


"I'm going with you. I can't let you go by yourself and Ben is my friend too."

He didn't argue with her. He was really grateful she was going with him because he was moments away from losing his sanity. Winnie started to dial Isabel's number but she kept getting redirected to voicemail.

"This is strange. Isa never lets her phone go off," Winnie said.

Uche didn't say anything. He was trying to concentrate on driving and praying for his friend at the same time. He hoped Ben would be okay. He couldn't lose his best friend and brother. They had so many plans and he was excited to live the rest of his life having their two families live alongside each other and their kids having sleepovers.

"Dear Lord, please. Please..." He said, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

Winnie reached out her hand and held his, squeezing lightly as if trying to let him know everything would be alright. She didn't say anything for the rest of the drive to the hospital.

He jumped out of the car as soon as he parked in the hospital parking lot and ran inside the hospital. Winnie wished she brought her slippers because her feet were starting to hurt but she tried to follow him as fast as she could.

Uche asked the nurses where  his friend was and was told he was in surgery. They showed him the direction of the room where Ben's parents were waiting and he slowed down for Winnie to catch up before going to meet them. When she joined him, they both went into the waiting room and saw Mr. and Mrs. Williams sitting and looking very pale. As soon as she saw him, Viv stood and walked slowly towards him.

"My baby is in there. You should have seen him Uche. My baby looked lifeless, he wasn't talking, he wasn't even moving. What do I do if something happens to him Uche? I can't-" She stopped talking and broke down in tears.

Uche held her tightly and a tear escaped his eye. He had been trying so hard not to shed tears but he couldn't hold it in anymore. It felt like there was suddenly so much darkness and he hoped the light would come soon.

Richard Williams stood up at that moment, walked up to them and clapped Uche lightly on the shoulder. He held his wife and she turned into his arms and continued sobbing. Uche had never seen them so distraught and helpless. Realizing he had completely forgotten about Winnie, he looked over to where she silently stood and walked over to her.

"I'm really sorry about all of this. I can call a cab to take you home, you don't have to wait."

"Shh, I'm staying," she said and hugged him.

Uche gripped her tightly and let his tears fall. Whoever said men don't cry was totally wrong. Men did cry a lot, but mostly when nobody's watching.


After dinner, Isabel reached for her phone to see if she had gotten any messages but Ken stopped her.

"Isa, we've not had a conversation in years. Can't you give me your entire attention just for tonight?"

"I just want to check if I have any messages, it won't take long," she replied and picked up her phone. She realized the phone was switched off and pressed the 'power-on' button.

"Hmm. that's weird. I don't remember turning off my phone and the battery is still full."

"Even your phone wants you to give me all your attention tonight," Ken said, taking a sip of his wine and smirking.

"Ha ha, very funny," Isabel said with an eyeroll and turned on her phone. She flinched when she heard the loud pings of new messages flooding her phone. She saw they were all from Winnie and wondered what was going on. Quickly she opened them and after a few seconds, her face turned ashen.

"Isa, what's wrong? You look like someone died," Ken said.

Isabel didn't say anything and just sat there as if she had been struck by lightning.

"I-I-I have to go," she stammered after several minutes and stood abruptly.

"Why? What happened?"

"Can you please drive me to the Limi Hospital?"

"Why? That's not where you work-" Ken started to say but went silent at the look on her face.

"Sure, sure, I'll drive you," he said.

They walked in silence to the car and he didn't ask any questions until they were halfway to their destination.

"Please what's happening Isa? You're scaring me," he said, looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Ben has been in an accident. It's serious and he's in surgery," she said, not meeting his eyes.

"Ben? How? What happened?"

"I don't know. Can't believe my phone was off the entire time," said Isabel, shaking her head.

The hospital came into view and while he was trying to find a spot, she removed her seatbelt.

"I would have come in with you Isa, but you know how I feel about hospitals."

"It's okay, thanks for driving me. I'll see you later."

She got out of the car and he watched her disappear into the hospital before taking out his phone.

The phone rang for a few minutes before someone picked up.

"Were you behind this?" Ken asked in a shaky voice.

"You said he was a roadblock," was the blunt reply.

"I didn't say kill him. I was already handling it!" Ken shouted in frustration.

"And I handled it faster! With him gone, you'll finally have all her attention, and I can finally get my money!!"

"Why didn't you just kidnap him? He's wealthy and his parents are even wealthier. It would have saved us all the stress," Ken said with a groan.

"Maybe I should have. But now, the deed has been done. You better hope he doesn't survive," the man on the other line said and the line went dead.

"DAMN IT!!!!" Ken screamed, punching his steering wheel severally. This was not his plan at all. He got his payment deadline extended, because Isabel was finally warming up to him and even though the extra time came with interest, he was glad they were giving him a chance. These were very dangerous men and now, they were about to get someone killed.

"How on earth did I get into this mess?"

Yes Ken, how did you get into this mess? If something happens to Ben, best believe I and my readers are coming for you!

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