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The trip to L.A took longer than they expected due to a few delays but nevertheless they enjoyed it. It had been a few years since Ben traveled to the States because asides from his busy schedule, most of his business meetings were either in London or someplace else. Moreover, he didn't like being away from Tina for too long and always tried to round up his meetings as fast as possible so he could return home to her. He also wanted his first visit to the country of his birth after a long time to be with her. He wanted to show her the country he had grown up in but that hadn't worked out.
"Enough!" He screamed so loudly that everyone in the business class compartment of the flight turned to look at him. He realized that he had said that out loud, quickly apologized and turned to see the concerned face of his mother looking back at him.
"What's wrong baby?" She asked, worry written all over her face.
"It's nothing mum, I'm sorry for startling you."
"This is one of the reasons we need a private jet. I don't know why your father has insisted on flying commercial."
Ben laughed before replying with a smile "Dad has his principles. Besides, we don't really need a jet."
"We do! At least you can scream and cry in privacy. You think he's not buying because it's too expensive?"
"I doubt it's the money. But then again, we'd never know," Ben said, holding back laughter at his mum's scrunched face.
"Perhaps I should buy him one as a gift on his next birthday. It would definitely be more convenient for him to get to his meetings with a jet. I'd ask him again and see if he'll change his mind and if not, I'm getting him one!" She said with a tone of finality, smiled and closed her eyes. She was tired and slept off almost immediately.
Ben glanced at the beautiful woman who had been his pillar ever since he could remember. Not only was she beautiful, she was hardworking and had a good head on her shoulders. No wonder his dad was crazy about her, and wouldn't look at any other woman even after so many years. He wanted a marriage like that of his parents, where love and friendship ruled but he didn't know if he'd ever get something like that at this point. He had to stop thinking about Tina though, or he would go crazy. Sighing deeply, he put on his headphones and let Sia's voice lull him to sleep.
Richard Williams looked at his wristwatch for the hundredth time in two minutes and shook his head. He looked at the flight information display board of LAX and then smiled abruptly.
"They're almost here!" He squealed excitedly. Reaching inside his trouser pocket, he brought out a pocket mirror and checked to see if his appearance was in order. Satisfied with what he saw, he put the mirror back in his pocket and rubbed his sweaty palms together. Looking at the bouquet of roses beside him, he thought of his wife and the look on her face when she'd see him. She had booked a flight to LA with his credit card and when he had called her to ask, she said she was just coming briefly for a business meeting and a trip with Ben. She then said she wouldn't be able to make it to New York where he was and that they'd see each other when he got back to Nigeria. Immediately she said that, he knew she planned to surprise him and decided to pull a fast one on her.
He hadn't seen her in two weeks and he felt like it had been years. He hated business meetings because they took him away from his family and he always counted down the days until he could go back home and be in their company again. He was glad she was coming over because he still had one more week of pesky meetings to deal with before he could go back home.
That morning, he had made arrangements with his personal assistant to cancel all his meetings for the next two days and taken the next flight to LA to wait for his wife and son.
He waited for a few more minutes and when the information on the board showed their plane had landed, he said a quick prayer of thanks and headed to the arrival gate to wait for them.
Ben spotted him first and he made a signal for him to keep quiet until his wife noticed. And that was when Viv saw him. She looked shocked and stopped walking for a bit, then she broke into a run towards him.
"Mum, be careful!" Ben shouted with a laugh and followed her with their luggage.
Richard caught his wife in his arms and kissed her with so much passion that people turned to stare, all the while trying to keep the flowers from getting squashed.
"Ewwww, this wasn't what I signed up for on this trip mum. Can you two behave?" Ben said sternly, looking at his parents.
"When you get married to the love of your life Benjamin, you'd understand how we both feel. Until then son, mind your business," Richard said with a smirk and then turned his attention back to his wife and handed her the flowers.
"Oh my! They're beautiful! Thanks sweetheart." She said and gave him a kiss.
"How did you think to surprise us dad?" Ben asked and then continued "Mum was the one planning a surprise."
"Immediately she said she was going to come to the States and leave without seeing me. No matter how busy she is, I know that's not possible." Richard replied.
"We've got some not so great news Richie, I'll tell you when we get to the house," Viv said with a sad smile. Richard knew it had to be something bad for her to smile that way. Nodding, he took some of the luggage from Ben and led the way out of the airport.

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