23 7 8

Tina looked up as Ben walked into the house and smiled at him, hoping he wouldn't be so mean to her today but he barely took any notice of her as he headed straight for the stairs leading to his bedroom. She let out an
exasperated sigh and leaned back on the sofa. She wanted to ask for an extension on the two days he gave her but he didn't look very happy so she didn't know how to go about it. She had gone apartment hunting for two days straight and still hadn't found a good place that she could afford. So she needed more time to move out of Ben's place. She had tried calling Alex severally to see if they could work things out but he hadn't picked up any of her calls. She had left several messages and even called him at work but his secretary kept giving excuses as to why he couldn't answer. Squaring her shoulders, she headed to Ben's bedroom to talk to him. She knocked three times before she heard the faint "enter". Pushing the door open, she stepped inside his bedroom. It was just as she remembered. Nothing had changed in the last one year, not even the arrangement of the room.

"What do you want?" he asked, looking at her questioningly.

She didn't know how to answer and rubbed her palms together nervously.

"I-" she started.

"What is it Tina?"

"I wanted to ask your permission to stay here a few more days. I've been searching for an apartment but I haven't found any good one that I can afford," she said in a rush.

"The deal was two days Tina. Nothing more, nothing less."

"I know Ben and trust me, I want to be out of here as soon as possible but please, just give me a little more time."

Ben looked at her for a moment and she assumed he was weighing his options. When he finally spoke, she was surprised.

"Did you find any apartment you like? I mean among the ones you said you couldn't afford."

"Umm, yes I saw several but I abandoned them as soon as I saw the prices."

"Okay, choose the one you like the most and let me know how much it is."

"What?" Tina asked, sure she hadn't heard him correctly.

"I'll pay for whichever one you choose. I know you don't want to stay with your family in Enugu and I don't want you to keep living here either. People will get the wrong idea, considering our history. So the earlier you leave, the better for us both."

Tina stared at him, too shocked to speak. Even though his reasons for wanting her to move out were valid, it still didn't explain why he wanted to get her an apartment.

"You don't have to do that Ben , I wouldn't want you to inconvenience yourself on my behalf."

"You being here is an inconvenience Tina. I'm not doing this for any grand reason except that I really want you to leave," he said coolly.

"Oh, okay then, Thank you so much Ben. I'll definitely pay you back someday."

"There'll be no need for that. Please go now, I want to be left alone."

Tina nodded, mumbled goodnight and left the room quickly. She closed the door behind her and leaned against it for a while before she went back downstairs to her room. She had come thinking hoping to get more time but had gotten something else instead. Truth be told, she still couldn't understand Ben. It wasn't normal for a person to be this nice. Who on earth would volunteer to get an apartment for an ex who left him in such a harsh manner?

'But why did you leave him?' a small voice inside her head asked.

"Because I met someone who was more exciting. I just couldn't keep dating him after meeting Alex."

'And where has that excitement led you?'

Tina fell on the bed and grabbed her pillow. Holding it close to her chest, she resisted the urge to burst into tears. Honestly, that wild adventure with Alex had only brought her excruciating pain. She had loved him, more than she had loved anyone and he had hurt her so deeply.

'Just like you hurt Ben.'

Putting her pillow over her head, she tried to block out the annoying voice which she assumed was her conscience. She thought of how Ben had treated her when they were together, how he always made sure she lacked nothing and gave her all the love he had. She felt sorry for the way she treated him in the past. He had been nothing but kind to her and she had messed everything up big time. She hadn't even apologized for what she did to him. She would render an apology tomorrow and she hoped he'll at least forgive her.

Maybe, she thought, just maybe she and Ben still had a chance. Maybe they could try again in the near future. But that would only be possible if she stopped pining over Alex.


"Isa, wait!" Ken shouted, walking behind her.

They were in the compound. The other guests had left and Uche was helping Winnie clean up.

"What did you do that for?!" Isabel shouted furiously.

"I'm sorry. It was a dare and there was nobody else I could have chosen," he explained.

"You could have paid the money Ken, you put me in an awkward position!"

"Why? Because of Ben or whatever his name is? Isa, you know that guy doesn't make you feel things like I do. Admit it, you enjoyed that kiss. You could have pushed me away if you didn't want it too.

"I don't know what you're talking about Ken. It all happened so suddenly that I didn't even have time to react."

"Come off it Isabel. You want me too, I felt it from the way you kissed me back."

Before Isabel could say anything, he came up to her, looked into her eyes and spoke.

"Let's start over Isa please. Just give me a chance and I'll make you the happiest girl in the world," he coaxed.

Isabel took a step back from him, trying to get her thoughts in order. She had never been this confused before. Her head and heart were currently at war and she needed time to get them back on track.

"Leave Ken," she said, her voice shaking.

"Okay I'll leave for now. But think about what I said okay?"


Ken held up his hands and smiled in his usual smug way.

"Okay okay, I will. I'll call you soon."

"You don't have my number," she said.

"Never underestimate a desperate man Isa," he said before waving to her and walking out of the compound.

After he left, Isabel sat on the stairs, wondering what on earth she had gotten herself into. She had to figure things

Ben is literally my dream man! Handsome and kind😍
Anyway, would you get your ex an apartment? And what do you think Isabel should do? Let me know in the comment section!

P.s: Thank you all for 400+ reads and 100+ votes in two weeks! Please vote if you enjoyed reading this chapter and let's create more magic together...Love you all❤️

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