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As soon as Ben got home, he started to search for his phone. Tina emerged from the kitchen a few minutes later, holding the device he was so seriously searching for.
"Here," she said, "You forgot it on the kitchen counter."

"Thanks," was the only thing he could say. He couldn't wait for the two days he gave her to be over so his life could go back to normal. He turned away and started to check his phone for anything he might have missed. He saw a text from Isabel and so he called her back immediately.

"Hey Isabel, sorry I missed your call. I stepped out for a moment and forgot my phone," he explained.

"It's alright. Tina told me," Isabel replied.

"Tina?" he asked, confused.

"Yeah. Anyway, I wanted to remind you of Winnie's get-together later this evening. You're coming right?"

"Yes I am, I already reminded Uche last night."

"Okay that's great then, thanks a lot. See you soon."

"Isa-" he started but then she had already ended the call.

What just happened? What did she mean Tina told her he was out? Had she come by to look for him?

He went to the kitchen to ask Tina what exactly occurred and met her standing at the sink and washing some plates.

"Hey, I made some food. If you're hungry, I can dish out some for you," she said upon seeing you.

"No, thanks. What happened while I was gone?" He asked.

She stared at him for a while as if she didn't understand the question and then her eyes widened in realization.

"Ohhh, I totally forgot to mention it to you. Your phone kept ringing so I picked up after a while since it might be urgent," she said.

"You picked my call?" he asked, anger seeping into his voice with every syllable.

"Yes I did, I thought it was urgent. I'm sorry if I offended you."

"Tina, you crossed the boundary! Why would you pick any of my calls? Even if it was an urgent situation, you should have just left the phone where it was!"

"I'm sorry Ben! I didn't say anything bad to her. I just mentioned you forgot your phone at home."

"You're not my secretary and we're certainly not that close for you to touch my phone, talk more of answering it. Please this shouldn't happen again."

"Alright sir, got it. Jeez, the way you're talking, someone would think we're strangers."

"We ARE strangers," he said with emphasis and then continued "Please order food if you're hungry next time. I don't want you cooking anything since you don't actually live here."

She looked at him, seemingly surprised at how he sounded. Then she took a rag and started to wipe the kitchen counter.
"I'm only cooking because I wanted to say thank you for letting me stay here."

"It's fine. You don't have to thank me in any way. Just find a place quickly so you can leave."

Not wanting to hear anything else she had to say, he walked away. He went upstairs and tried to call Isabel again but he couldn't get through to her. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he placed his head in his hands and hoped she wasn't mad at him. He knew how complicated this situation was but he had to assure her that nothing was going on because for some reason, he felt she deserved a full explanation. He called Uche to confirm their plans for the evening and then started to get ready. He would make sure to get Isa alone later and make her understand everything.

Uche and Ben arrived at the house just in time for the party. They found parking spots for their cars and headed to the front door, each holding a bottle of wine. Taking a deep breath, Ben rapped on the door. Isabel opened the door and smiled when she saw it was them.

"You made it!" she squealed and clapped excitedly. Her eyes fell on Uche and she cleared her throat.

"Hi, you must be Uche. Nice to meet you, I'm Isabel," she said, extending her hand.
Uche shook her outstretched hands and returned her smile.

"Nice to meet you too Isabel, I've heard a lot about you."

"Good things I hope."

"All good things."

"Glad to hear that. Come in you guys! The party is just about to get started. But we're not calling it a party in front of Winnie," she said with a wink then ushered them into the sitting room.

There were four girls already seated, chatting and laughing loudly. They looked up when Ben and Uche entered, quickly said hello and then went back to chatting. Uche noticed two of the girls staring at them as they sat down. They handed the bottles over to Isabel and she thanked them before going to put them away.

A few minutes later, Winnie came over to say hello to them.
"Hi! Thanks so much for coming Ben," she said with a radiant smile and then turned to Uche.

"You-" she trailed off in the middle of completing her sentence and just stared at him.

"Interview girl?!" Uche exclaimed, shocked that he had run into her here.

"Oh my goodness!" Winnie said, still staring at him.

Ben, Isabel and the other guests watched their exchange, confusion evident on all their faces.

"What are you doing here?!" Uche asked.

Winnie finally regained her composure enough to speak.
"I live here. I'm Winnie," she said.

"Wow, small world! Who would have thought?" Uche said with a laugh and then continued, "Well, it's nice to meet you again Winnie, I'm Uche."

He stretched out his hand and she took it, her smile more radiant than it was a moment ago then the four of them stepped into another room to talk privately. There, Uche and Winnie explained their encounter and she thanked Uche for helping her get the job.

They talked and laughed for a few more minutes before two more male guests arrived and Winnie deemed it fit that they start the party, which she preferred to call a get together.

The party was the most fun event Ben and Uche had been to in months and they were enjoying every minute of it. They were in the middle of a game of truth when they heard a knock.

"I'll get it!" Isabel said and then headed to the door.

The smile on her face quickly faded when she saw who it was. There was Ken, smiling in his usual cocky manner, holding a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine.

"Hi Isa. I heard there was a party so I stopped by. Hope I'm not intruding," He said and then gave her an unsettling smile. A smile that made her realize that he wouldn't stop coming after her until she gave in or did something drastic.

What a brilliant way to get a girl Ken! Just stalk her until she gives in... sheesh!😒
I'm frustrated at all the people who keep trying to sink the BenIsa ship! But anyway, seems we got a new ship to sail fam! Let me know your thoughts in the comment section!

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