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"I'm leaving you"
He looked up from the book he was reading and stared at her in utter confusion. Snapping his book shut, he stood up and walked towards her.
"Leaving me? To where? What's wrong?" He asked while trying to understand what was going on.
"I'm in love with someone else," she said.
He was struck dumb by those words. What was going on? How could she be in love with someone else? What in the world was happening? The questions in his head were so many but he couldn't even open his mouth to ask any of them.
"I'm sorry".
That brought him out of his reverie. She didn't sound sorry at all. It was as if she said sorry just for the record and not because she was actually sorry.
"Tina, it's been three years. How... how can you suddenly tell me you're in love with someone else?" He managed to ask with a shaky voice.
"Ben, it happens all the time. People fall out of love. Please don't make this a big deal. I just came to break up with you officially. Please don't call me or text me, I don't want Alex to get angry" She said then walked out the door and out of his life.
     It took Ben an hour after she left to regain his composure. Tears fell from his eyes as he went over what just occurred. Every word she had uttered pierced his heart and made him feel the type of pain he had never felt before.
Through all of this, he kept asking himself so many questions: "Tina just left me, what am I going to do now?", "Did I not do something right?", "How will I live without her?"
He had never been in love with anyone before Tina came into his life. He ignored girls most of the time because he had heard stories about how they could shatter hearts. But when he met Tina, everything changed. He started seeing the future with her and never thought she'd hurt him this way.
He had done everything for that woman. There was nothing she wanted he didn't give her; Care, attention, name it! And when it came to money, she didn't even have to ask before he gave her.
Through all of his confusion, he kept asking himself what he lacked that made her leave him. He was in so much pain and felt he was going to lose his sanity if he kept thinking. So he took his car keys and went to the only place he could think of, Tina's house.


It was drizzling by the time he pulled up to her compound but he barely took any notice. He knocked on the door to her apartment, the one he had gifted her on her birthday the previous year, the one where they had a lot of memories. He waited for a few seconds and then knocked again, harder this time. After what seemed like an eternity, Tina opened the door.
"What are you doing here?" She asked coldly.
"I remember telling you clearly not to contact me," she added.
"Tina please, I need an explanation. I don't understand why you broke up with me. What did I do wrong? What am I lacking? How do I make things right? Please talk to me."
"I have nothing to say to you Ben. Please leave right now and don't ever come back."
Ben was about to say something when a man's voice came from within the apartment.
"Baby, who are you talking to?"
The man came up to the door and stood behind Tina. He was tall, well built and good looking.
"It's nobody important babe, let's go back inside," Tina said to the man and then turned to Ben.
"Please don't come back here again. Alex and I don't take kindly to unwanted visitors," she said and slammed the door in his face.
Ben walked back to his car and stood beside it for several minutes, and the tears started to stream down his cheeks, together with the pouring rain.

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