15 2 1

Ben sat on a bench in the hospital garden, soaking in the beautiful view and the sweet scent of flowers. There was something very comforting about flower gardens. The flowers always seemed like they were passing some kind of message and today in particular, they appeared to be saying "Hang in there Benjamin, everything will be alright," and he agreed with them.

"Dude, why do you look like you're pining after a long lost lover?"

Ben turned around at the sound of his friend's voice and smiled. He couldn't wait to get out of the hospital so they could hang out properly again.

"Perhaps I am."

"Uh oh... you don't sound happy. What happened?" Uche asked, sitting beside Ben.

"I sort of broke up with Isabel yesterday."

"Emm... what do you mean by 'sort of broke up'? Kindly shed more light on that phrase bro. 'Cos last I checked, you both weren't dating."

"I told her I understand her feelings and I know how she feels about Ken, so I set her free."

"Let me understand this. You ended the friendship?"

"Yeah. She was in a dilemma and didn't want to hurt my feelings. So I made things easier for her."

"Do you love her?"

"Yes I do man, a lot more than I thought," Ben replied sadly, looking at a butterfly that had perched on his hand.

"Then why aren't you fighting for her? I know she really likes you, that much is obvious."

"Yes she does, but it's not enough Uche. She likes me, but it's not least not yet. I'm exhausted from having to fight all the time. When Tina left me, I blamed myself for months. Saying things like "maybe if I had done things differently, she wouldn't have left." But the truth is, she left because she wanted to, she wanted someone else and other things. I wasn't enough for her and it wasn't my fault. So no, I won't go through the same thing again. They say if you love something, you let it go and if it comes back to you then it's yours. That's what I'm doing."

Uche signed deeply. He could feel the pain in his friend's voice and knew how bad he was hurting. He admired Ben's courage because truth be told, he wasn't sure he would have made the same decision as his friend.

"So... what now? What do you plan to do next?"

"For now, I just want to recover quickly and leave this place. The doctor says I can be discharged in a little over a week and I can't wait."

"That's great news! Can't wait for you to get out too."

"Before I forget, look into Ken would you?"

"Why? What happened? You planning on stalking him?"

Ben rolled his eyes before replying.

"No dude. Why would I ever do that?"

"I dunno. Lately, the world has become a strange place," Uche said, laughing at the look on his friend's face. Ben joined in the laughter and it took a few minutes before they quieted down.

"When he came to visit, he mentioned details of the accident that we didn't release to the public and Isabel said she didn't tell him anything. I find it highly suspicious."

"Hmm, you think he had something to do with the accident?"

"I don't know what to think but I really hope it is a coincidence. I don't want Isabel to get hurt."

"Okay, I'll look into it quietly. We need to keep you safe in the meantime. Perhaps we should place some guards outside your room."

"That won't be necessary. My parents will go into panic mode, especially my mum. I don't want that."

"Alright then, if you say so."

"I do say so. By the way, how are things going with you and Winnie?"

"Amazing dude! That girl makes me want to play the ukulele and dance! We were planning a double date with you and Isabel after you leave the hospital but I guess that's not going to happen anymore."

"No it won't but I'm super happy for you dude! You finally found the one!"

"I really think I have. She...she completes me. I can't explain it but I just know I always want to wake up next to her."

"Okayyyy! I think I should start getting my best man suit ready because the way you're sounding, we might hear wedding bells soon."

"Ha ha ha! I would do that as soon as possible before somebody else takes her away from me. I hope that by the time I pop the question, you would have resolved your differences with Isabel so that we can have that double wedding."

"You sound so sure that she's the one," Ben said with a laugh.

"I am sure she is. You both are good for each other. And you know I never liked Tina but you were too in love to listen."

"Well, you never fail to remind me. You planning to taunt me forever?"

"That's what best friends are for. If I don't taunt you, who will?" Uche asked with a smirk.

"I'm seriously thinking about ending this friendship. Because you are a pain in the ass," Ben said, raising his brows and pretending to be very serious.

"You're stuck with me for life mate. It's written in the stars that we'll be friends for eternity. There's no escaping your destiny."

"Ahhhh! I hate you!"


They laughed and watched the butterflies until sunset, not realizing that their fate was indeed written in the stars.

Ahh, there's nothing like beautiful friendship to lift your spirits. I have missed scenes with just this two so I had to give y'all some BenUch feels today.

Hope you're all doing great? Please don't forget to click the little star at the top of the page to vote. Sending you all love and light as always! ❤️❤️

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