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One year later

Ben signed the last document for the day, handed it to his secretary. Massaging his tired hands, he looked at the clock in his office and was shocked to see the time.
"Oh shoot! It's already 6pm. Joan, didn't you say you had somewhere to be at 7?" he asked his secretary. She looked at him uncertainly, and then said "Yes sir, but I can cancel if you need me to. I can always reschedule."
"Don't be silly, you can't cancel. I'm sorry I kept you this long, I didn't know it was already this late. Now shoo and go get ready for your date,"Ben said with a smile.
"Date sir? I never said I was going on a date."
"Joan, you've been smiling like a Cheshire cat all day and looking all flustered. You even zoned out once while I was talking, which is unlike you. I don't know much but I do know that's the look of someone who really likes a certain person," Ben said, arranging the remaining files on his desk.
"I'm sorry I was distracted sir, it won't happen again," Joan apologized, looking at the ground.
"It shouldn't. But I forgive you for today. Now please go away before a certain man somewhere curses me out for keeping you."
"Thank you sir, have a nice evening."
"You too Joan," Ben said with a smirk and watched her hurriedly leave the office.
Smiling, he put his hands behind his head and leaned back in his chair. He hadn't gone out on a date in a year and if he was being honest, a part of him envied Joan. Ever since Tina, he had avoided women like the plague. He knew there were really nice ones but he didn't want to take any chances. He didn't think he could handle a broken heart a second time so he just kept his distance. Uche had tried to set him up on dates so many times over the past year but his attempts had failed each time. He still kept trying though because as he put it, he wasn't going to let Ben become a "non-ordained priest".
Ben heard a knock and before he could reply, his father opened the door and walked in.
"I was hoping I wouldn't find you here,"Richard said, the disappointment etched in every tone.
"Why?" Ben asked, surprised.
"Well, I expected you to be at home, getting ready for a date."
"Again, why?"
"Oh for goodness sake Benjamin, it is a Friday night! And you're a twenty-nine year old man!"
"Oh, is it Friday already?"
Richard looked at Benjamin in frustration, and then shook his head.
"You need to get back on the dating horse Ben, it's been a year already. I don't know about you but I want a daughter in-law and  grandkids. I need little children to spoil silly so please hurry up!"
"Dad, you can spoil me silly. A man never gets tired of being spoiled you know," Ben said with a smirk, holding back laughter.
Before Richard could reply, his phone beeped and he checked the message.
"Well, I'm outta here. Your mother made
Onugbu(bitter leaf) soup and I can't miss it,"Richard said and started making his way to the door. Just before he turned the handle, his phone beeped again and he groaned.
"What?" Ben asked,"Is something wrong?"
"Yes Ben, something is wrong," Richard said then continued, "Much to my displeasure and utter frustration, your mother has said I should bring you along. And here I was hoping for a romantic Friday night with my wife," Richard finished with emphasis.
Ben rolled his eyes, then stood up and picked his jacket from the coat stand.
"She might be your wife but she's also my mother. I'd have declined but I also don't want to miss out on the food. If you're nice to me, I'll leave immediately after the meal."
"You better leave immediately you're done eating Benjamin. If you ruin my Friday night, I'll make you suffer. Remember, I'm still your boss," Richard said, a sly smile curving one side of his mouth upwards.
"Fine, you win! I'll just eat and be out of your hair."
"Now that's a good boy. Let's hurry before the food gets cold."
Laughing at their little banter, they walked out of the office.
Tina paid the cashier for the things she bought and walked out of the supermarket. She sat in her car for a while, her body reluctant to drive home. A part of her wanted to just drive to a different planet and never return but she knew that was impossible. Things had been great with Alex, they even moved in together and always talked about the future. She already knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with this awesome, interesting man and when he proposed four months ago, she hadn't hesitated to say yes. And then a month ago, he suddenly changed. He started coming home too late and whenever she complained or asked why, he'd get so angry and tell her it was none of her business. She stopped asking about the lipstick stains on his shirt and the late nights calls he received, forcing her mind to believe it was nothing. She couldn't remember the last time they had laughed about something because he always seemed so angry at her all the time and she didn't know why. She tried to cook nice meals and do romantic things to see if things would get better but it had all been to no avail. Her phone rang and she checked the caller ID to see it was Alex. She picked up and answered apprehensively.
"Where are you?" Alex asked, his voice as cold as ice.
"I went to the supermarket to pick up a few supplies but I'm on my way back home."
"Get back here, NOW," He said and before she could ask what the matter was, the line went dead.

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