Chapter Ten

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Yuzuki's Pov
Speaking honestly it was a little hard not to blabber and spill out that I was pregnant to Hiashi. Though for the last month he had been gazing at me when I was helping around the compound.

You can't let anything go unseen by his eyes. While Neji was away with his mission that requires his new status, I spent most time with Hanabi helping her studying and what not. She said she wanted to also become a ninja like Hinata and Neji.

I always told her she could do whatever she put her mind too, as long as she knew how hard she was gonna have to work for it.

"Hey Yuzuki?" I hummed curious like glancing between my legs where she sat, running the brush all through her hair, before I began my journey of fishtail braiding her long black hair.

"What's Hanabi?" I questioned shaking away the now profound dizzy spells I get, watching a few of the compound servants walking around and what not.

"How come you aren't on a team like Hinata and Neji?" I blinked my eyes a couple times the first time someone has actually asked me that. My fingers skillfully kept braiding the fishtail.

"Well when I arrived here to the hidden leaf village, I was twelve almost thirteen, so I wasn't at the academy for years like how everyone else was. I was a ninja at the sound village and it wasn't all the best." I paused a little to grab the rubber band deciding to add little details to her hair.

"Over there we have most ninjas who trained, but not in my case when my mother died I had to learn to do things I kinda became a ninja in a cheat kinda way, no exams, but I was tortured a lot, my speciality is with sound waves so I mainly conceal my chakra."

It felt kinda nice to actually speak about my past and things I did. "I was afraid of hurting myself, and others or even worse getting killed so, during a mission I was captured, and lord fourth offered me a deal to join the leaf in return, I was tortured mainly with my own mind." Hanabi let a small shocked gasp out looking at me startled turning her head to gaze at me.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you Yuzuki." She stammered shifting her eyes down a little. "But... You are happy now right!" She exclaimed. I flashed her a very soft smile after I tied the fishtail into a bun.

"I'm very happy, I have found a purpose of some sorts, I have a family and now I'm gonna be a mother." I pulled back when the loudest gasp left her and she spun her eyes wide.

"Oh my! Really Yuzuki! You are pregnant!" She squealed so loudly quickly throwing me in such a fast hug. I laughed loudly catching her hugging her back.

"Yes I am, Hinata confirmed it. I'm waiting till Neji comes back so we can visit the hospital or Lady Tsunade." I kept giggling squeezing her deeply.

"Neji is gonna be so freaking happy!" I laughed nervously still hugging her tightly.

"I think he's gonna freak out." I snickered falling back a bit she was laughing.

"You're pregnant baby?!" I tipped my head back to gaze upside down with my vision to see Neji though it was hard for a moment It took noticed that he started wearing his hair in updues.  His hair was pulled up in a high ponytail and he looked so shocked his mouth open and beautiful eyes wide.

"Hi, welcome back my love." I giggled slowly Hanabi helped me up off the floor I brushed off my clothes but Hanabi was already springing over to Neji.

"You're gonna be a dad! Neji I'm so happy for you guys!" Neji managed to catch her to make sure she didn't fall, finally snapping out of his daze. He looked at Hanabi and chuckled ruffling her hair.

"Can you let me and Yuzuki have a small minute?" He asked her gently. She puffed her cheeks out, but nodded her head very fast. I have never seen a preteen fly out the room at the speed with running. I gazed at Neji keeping our contact when he made his way over to me.

"Hey look at me silly." He muttered his hands cupping at my cheeks bringing me close, he rested his bare forehead with his mark on it on mine a soft smile graced his face.

"Is it true... Are you pregnant my cute little gem." I locked my arms around his waist squeezing him deeply.

"Surprise yes I am, Hinata confirmed it for me when we got back I wanted to surprise you though so Hiashi doesn't know but, I think subconsciously he does so he'll be happy there's another heir-" My words were cut off gently before I felt his lips on mine kissing me passionately.

I returned it moving closer to him. "I'm speechless but I'm also so happy Yuzuki, we are having a baby, like an actually child... Holy shit." He whispers gasping once the kiss was broken. It looked like the realization knocked him so hard on the head. He suddenly then just exclaimed so loud like.

"Baby! I put a baby in you!"

  "Hey hey! Neji." I whined yelping quickly catching his body fast when he launched forward. My arms instantly locked around his upper body to lift him up best not wanting him to fall out and hit his head and get even worse.

I stared at him in shocked before I started shaking slightly with laughter.

"Neji I know you didn't pass out from that news did you?" I paused to see his head was resting right on my breast and he indeed passed out.

"Oh boy... I don't wanna imagine the birth like at all... Hinata! I need your help."

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