Chapter Five

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Yuzuki's Pov
"I thought we promised to be careful." I had a small smile making its way across my face, sitting on the small end of the bed, I was more than lucky that they allowed me to see Neji after his fight with Naruto.

It was a very intense fight and it made me think back to all the way when I quit being a Ninja even with the biggest scowl and frown on his face, and all bandage up Neji was still very much handsome in my eyes.

"I underestimated him that's all nothing to worry about." He reassured me, he kept trying to move and I kept quickly but carefully pushed him to rest back.

"Neji stop moving you are straining your body." I snapped in a stern tone. He froze for just a split second and moved his deep white eyes to look at me focus, before he whispered chuckling quietly bringing his hand up to brush away my now new short hair that seemed to have curled up on its own.

"Your hair... It's so beautiful." He whispered. My entire face grew hot and I looked at him in surprise by the random comment. "Thank you," I whispered my mind seeming very confused, he was still brushing all my hair away before he moved his bare forehead that was exposing the little green mark to me.

The next thing he did surprise me to my very core. His slightly cold lips were now pressed onto my own surprised waiting ones. He gripped the back of my head with ease and kissed me.

I slowly returned the kiss gripping the front of his shirt softly moving my lips with his the feeling so unknown to me, but it felt so right, so needed. Was it a minute? Maybe two? But before I knew he had pulled away my breath heavy I stared into his eyes.

"Thank you for sticking beside me even when I've been an asshole to others, Yuzuki for you wanting to be with me I'm finding my own inner strength. By believing in me thank you for slowly starting to love me."

Okay, I need to talk to someone so I can understand this feeling much better. Maybe Lee him and Guy Sensei are always screaming about Youth, Lee should still be at the hospital recovering from his own battle last month. Glancing around the empty bedroom.

I stood up sighing brushing my hair away changing back into a new out for slipping my shoes on, I now made my journey to the hospital, knowing it was past time for visitors, even Neji wasn't allowed to have visitors but I kept thinking about the kiss we shared earlier.

It took some time but I was able to sneak all the way up to the roof knowing Lee was gonna be there. "Lee oh thank goodness you are here I really need to talk to you." I approached him while he seemed to be watching the stars.

He looked up at me in surprised but he smiled at me leaning on a crutch he waved me over "Yuzuki? How wonderful to see you what brings you out here?" He asked me kindly. I gave him a soft smile and a gentle hug sitting next to him on the small area.

"I've been okay, how have you been? Recovering well?" I asked him softly, he gave me a soft head nod leaning his head on my shoulder and I carefully hugged him.

"It's gonna be alright Lee don't you worry one bit okay." I reassured him "you are right Yuzuki it's just gonna take a lot of time and endurance but I shall do it." He beamed up at me.

I let a small giggle leave me before I played with Lee's hair looking at all the shining stars over the village.

"Is something bothering you though?" He asked me. I was silent for just a moment but mumbled "me and Neji kissed today and I don't understand what it means everything confused me, Lee." I whispered my face feeling way too hot for my liking. I

"I know I liked it but what does it mean?" I questioned. Lee was also quiet but he then spoke to me his eyes glancing up at me.

"Guy Sensei always tells me that kissing and all that affection is a sign of youthness but it's a way to show one another you love them, you can show many people you love them Yuzuki. You just have the find the way you so happen to like, maybe you and Neji really do love one another." He told me this in such a happy tone.

Yet I was still so confused, but I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with happiness. I loved someone and maybe just somehow he loved me as well.

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