Chapter One

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Yuzuki's Pov
My hands started to sweat up, and my anxiety seemed to grow as I watched the clock tick back and forth. It was a small deadly habit of mine. To watch the time, watching it go by fast and or slow. I never imagined I would be back in Lord Hokage's office.

I haven't been in here since the day I was brought here. The day I escaped. I started bouncing my knee up and down roughly, wiping my hand across my pants the best I could. I swore after that day, I wouldn't be a ninja again. Even though the chakra flows through me, I surpass it.

And I live a semi normal life here in the hidden leaf village. With no parents I stay at this apartment Lord Hokage offered me, but at a price I work at one of the little clothing shops in town.

I'm pretty good with my hands, handsewing things and what not. I looked up when the door opened to the office, and strands of my hair fell from the bun as I watched Lord Hokage walk in with a boy around my age, and a adult male not to far behind.

I turned my attention to Lord Hokage when he gave me a small smile across his old face. "Yuzuki child relax you are not in any trouble or anything." My shoulders slowly sank back in relaxation as I nodded my head watching the boy with long hair slowly sit down in the chair next to me.

The other long hair man standing close near him. "Now Yuzuki, do you know this boy?" He questioned. I blinked my white eyes to focus on the long hair boy, studying him, before nodding my head deeply before whispering quietly.

"Neji Hyuga, he's part of team Guy with Rock Lee, and Tenten." I whispered, I sometimes would take walks into the forest when I had free time, or when I had cuts from work.

Neji looked at me in surprise, and I cracked a faint smile, hearing a small scoff from the older male, who I now could assume was his uncle.

"At least she knows you come from the branch of Hyuga." I looked back at Lord Hokage, very curious like.

"Neji this is Ito Yuzuki and as of today, you to are being put in an arrange marriage, now I know you two are still extremely young, but under request of your uncle. He wanted me to set up one with a female who has quite power surging through her, and that is Yuzuki when you both are of age, which is seventeen in a few years, she will bare the side branch of Hyuga a heir."

Never in my short upcoming of life, did I believe I was gonna be in a arranged marriage. I was hardly powerful at best. I came from the sound village, and hardly anyone knows about the twisted and wicked ways. But I did. I knew from experience.

I was a normal girl, I use to not be such a freak. I had pitch black normal hair, and brown eyes. But after years of tortured. The ends of my hair turned white, and my eyes faded to a dull white.

I vowed to never use any of my abilities again, never to be a ninja. But the world of ninja came to an end for me. And now here I was being dragged by Neji by the wrist to watch him train with his team and Guy Sensei.

All the works of the arranged marriage were locked in a scroll, and sealed.  I had officially moved in with Neji and his family. Not even yet have I meet his cousins Hinata and Hanabi. I breathed out a soft sigh following behind him.

"You don't have to yank me, I can walk." I told him, hearing him let a small scoff out.

"You're too slow, hurry up, if I'm late we have to run 500 laps." I just slowly blinked not really remembering all too much from my days when I trained when I was young.

I just let him drag me along, looking around curious like recognizing his teammates right away.

"Stay on the side, you'll be alright." Was the last thing he told me, his grip freeing from my wrist. Once it was released I rubbed at my wrist deeply, shooting Neji a glare from behind when he wasn't looking and sat down on a rock already knowing all too well, I was gonna be bored.

"Neji! I've been waiting to see you congrats on your new bride to be." I folded my arms across my chest, watching Neji scowl at his Sensei just a bit who was being loud.

"Huh! Neji you're getting married!" The loud female yelled, all their voices filling my ears.

"Yes it's an arrange marriage, I brought her here today, her name is Ito Yuzuki nothing more, nothing less." I slowly blinked just a little bit, watching as Neji flashed his cloudy like eyes towards me, nodding his head.

Yeah an arrange marriage is something I wasn't expecting at all.

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