Chapter Four

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Yuzuki's Pov
"Yuzuki! It's so good to see you." I cracked a small smile looking at the bubbly boy who slowly grew on me. It wasn't a rare occasion when Lee and Tenten dropped by the Hyuga clan to pick up Neji when it came to his training and whatnot.

"It's nice to see you, Lee, you look more handsome." I teased him seeing him flashing me a happy grin, looking bashful he rubbed the back of his head blushing.

"You flatter me so much, Neji is truly lucky." I smiled shyly leaning against the wall messing with my kimono top. Neji was running a little late today because he let me take a shower first, and he usually took long showers.

"Where is lover boy anyway?" Tenten giggled. I chewed at my lower lip, before quickly calling out towards the bedroom.

"Neji! You are late Lee and Tenten are here!" A few minutes passed before his loud, but calm voice was speaking.

"Woman I'm coming I wouldn't be late if you didn't hog the water." I just ended up laughing quietly turning back to the two who was looking at me curiously like.

"Looks like you two are adjusting well." Tenten gave me a faint smile.

"We are trying our best." I answered. Another few minutes passed before Neji walked out the bedroom, his hair wet, and leaf headband tied tightly.

He was glaring slightly but slipped his outfit on with ease. "Alright we can go, Yuzuki I'll be home later make sure to eat something I don't care what it is," Neji demanded to me walking near me.

I handed him the bento box I made which he took pressing a quick kiss to my cheek making me flustered. "I'll eat later I have to work today." Me and Neji pulled away from one another and his eyes were staring deeply into mine.

"Be safe." He told me slowly brushing away my now short hair letting a ghost smile go across his lips.

"Right back at you." He chuckled slowly grabbing his two teammates them all leaving.

I glanced down towards my chest to feel my heart was pounding away. He really was having a positive effect on me, and I really like the way he makes me feel too. This is what they must call the first stages of love? What's it called adore? Maybe it's everything all at once.

My day was simple, I liked sewing cause it's was easy, and eased my mind. I liked when the people of the village praised me for my hard craftsmen's work. Mainly all people were talking about was the Chuin exams.

I remember back when I took mine a long time ago. It took a lot of work but I did end up passing. From what I heard from Lord Hyuga. Hinata and Neji are participating in them. So I wonder if I was gonna be able to support them by going.

The late nightfall had risen and I was too tired to head home. The nice elderly woman who owned the shop and who I worked for always let me stay when I was exhausted so I was resting at my work station.

I jolted up awake when I felt I was being picked up. I glanced up half-awake to see Neji peering down at me. "What are you doing here?" I questioned placing my hands on his chest gently.

"Getting my wife and bringing her home what does it look like." He muttered lifting me up more bridal style my head was pressed into his chest even more.

"I have to finish up here. I still have work." I slowly handed again but Neji shushed me.

"You're exhausted, you can finish tomorrow so don't argue with your husband." It took me a quick minute before my mind was swirling. He was already calling me his wife and we haven't even had the wedding yet. It made my heart slip another soft beat.

"Neji," I whispered slowly not fighting anymore and just letting him carry me listening to the quick thump of his heartbeat.

"Yes?" I faintly smiled on his chest when his relaxing scent hit me and I mumbled.

"I really like being with you, you make me feel... normal." I trailed I felt that Neji had stopped for a quick moment and lifted me up more.

"I like being with you too Yuzuki you also make me feel normal and I like that a lot now get some sleep okay. " I once again nodded my head deeply deciding to focus on his heartbeat.

It was like a slow lullaby that slowly, but surely lulled me into a deep sleep, the silly little smile I haven't had in a while staying present on my sleeping face.

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