Chapter Two

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Yuzuki's Pov
The days seemed to come and go. Over time I spent my days in a pattern, working at the shop, walking around with Neji, meeting his team mates, and actually meeting people in the village I had seen around.

I guess In a way this arrange marriage wasn't all too bad. I sat behind the counter of the shop focused, as I was sewing a dress watching the needle go in and out at a steady pace, humming a small tune, briefly glancing up when the bell above the door jingle opened.

I cracked a faint smile noticing it was Neji, he looked very annoyed wearing the outer layer of his outfit. "Neji? What's the matter?" I questioned, still able to sew without looking at my hands.

A sudden blush went across his cheeks as he grumbled quietly, before speaking. "I ripped my shirt today while fighting with Lee can you stitch the hole in it?" He asked focusing his eyes on me.

I started to laugh quietly when he shot me a small irritated look.  "Yeah I can come behind the counter." I nodded him over with my head, finishing up with the dress, placing it back with other orders, watching Neji make his way behind the counter sitting in the chair opposite from me.

He slowly handed me his sand colored shirt, showing me where the huge hole was, folding his bandaged arms across his chest. I couldn't help but giggle at how large the hole was, quickly finding a thread that matched the tone, starting to work while giggling.

"Stop laughing it was an accident." He suddenly squeaked, and I looked up through my bangs at him, seeing he was watching me curious like.

"Don't be a stick in the mud it's nothing I can't fix." I told him starting to hum yet again, I let my hands do the work, feeling his eyes still watching me.

"What village did you come from? I can see the chakra flowing through you?" I paused for a small moment, before answering "the sound village." I answered, starting to sew back up again.

"I never really talk about it that much." I continued, hearing him hum, strands of his hair falling in his face, even with his hair pushed back with his ninja headband.

"So where you a Ninja before? How come you aren't one now?" I saw little flashed go behind my eyes, a little bit of my sweat started to drip as I ignored the piercings screams that went through my head, and gulped.

"I knew that if I continued down that path something bad would happen." I nodded my head watching as the hole got smaller and smaller with each thread, that went through.

"Sometimes the easy path, isn't always the worst choice, plus I didn't come from a safe and secure village, ninjas are always being killed in the sound village." Neji leaned back in his seat more still keeping his eyes on me, as I leaned back the needle piercing my thumb a bit, but I always was getting little injuries.

I let a tiny gasp out when my hand was quickly yanked away, and I watched as Neji quickly wrapped something around my finger, before he let it fall looking away.

I looked down to see a small bandaid, and I cracked another faint smile before I finished with his shirt and showed him, watching him look at it with interest, and a actually pleased look.

"Is this good, or do you want something different?" I questioned. He gave me a quick shake of the head no as our hands brushed against own another.

"No this is perfect thank you, you really are skilled with your hands Yuzuki." I grew a little embarrassed by the compliment, and I pushed his hand away when he tried to give me money, but I told him it was alright it was the least I could do.

Me and Neji talked with one another for a little while, and I didn't even realize I didn't know that much about my soon to be husband, he actually could smile and laugh when he wasn't glaring at everyone and anything.

It wasn't until Tenten had come looking for him, demanding that Guy Sensei needed him. He looked annoyed as he slipped on his newly stitched shirt, I waved goodbye to him walking him leave, but he stopped for a minute to look over his shoulder.

"Yuzuki I'm glad it's you that's gonna be my wife, you're a mystery there's so much more to you I wanna know about." And with the last comment gone from his lips, he was out the shop, leaving me to blink in surprise as I slowly hid my face, a real smile going across my face. Not one of those has been on my lips for a while.

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