Chapter Eleven

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Yuzuki's Pov
"Alright I need you to hold very still for me Yuzuki." I found myself nodding my head gently at Lady Tsudmade's tone taking a small shift with my eyes to focus on Neji who looked focused his head resting on my shoulder holding my hand in his own stroking at the ring a few times as he did so. Neji was quite normally good at hiding his unease.

I wasn't too sure why he was so worried, I mean in such a short time the bump had grown and could be seen in my clothing, I also now couldn't sleep on my stomach, it was now side sleeping and or on my back.

"Hey Neji don't be nervous, the baby is okay I mean look at my stomach." I joked getting a soft husky chuckle from the male, for a moment watching as he focused on the green chakra flowing from her hands shooting straight towards the bump.

"I'm worried about the both of you, Lee kept me up during our mission the other day talking about how some women die from complications during pregnancy and child birth and now I'm fearful." I found myself letting a small chuckle out pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

"Don't go thinking of the bad Neji, think of the good outcomes is what you taught me." A faint smile grew on his face before he was tilting his head up to press a soft kiss onto my lips resting his forehead on place on my own.

"Oh my... I think the Hyuga clan may have like super fertile sperm because Hinata couldn't have possibly seen this in the first two weeks there's three..."

"D-did you say three Lady Tsunade?"


"Well! How did it go how is the heir of the Hyuga clan doing?" Neji had a firm hold on my waist as he lead me inside the compound straight to rest in the living area setting me on one of the chairs, standing behind me as he played with my hair a little, I don't think the shock had fully left his face since we had left the hospital in shock.

It explains why I am so huge... In only like three months, Lady Tsunade gave us all the information about early births when there's more then one fetus, and she sadly had to have Neji worry that twins and triplets could have a risky outcome.

Hinata had looked up from the book she was reading giving us a timid smile but she then looked worried looking away from her dad. "What's the matter?" She asked us both.

"When I am out doing missions, I need everyone to keep an extra eye on Yuzuki, there isn't just one, there's three." I watched the way her eyes had grown so wide and even Hiashi let the loudest gasp out in awe.

"Three?! You are having three babies." I winced at his exclaim but I chuckled weakly nodding as I held my palm over my mouth and chin, rubbing at it slowly.

"Yes I am... And even though that's amazing news it also means I have to do more checkups with Lady Tsunade, and Neji is now convinced I am gonna die any day now." He shot me a small glare moving his hands to now massage at my shoulders lowering his head down to press a few fluttering kisses across my cheek.

"I am not, I'm just worried about you now, I'm delighted we are having triplets, but you are accident prone and fall, what happens if you fall on your stomach? Or there's an attack on the village and I can't protect you. Or Lee talking about the bleeding baby." He started to raise his voice starting to rant loudly, it was causing my own self to start to freak out and sweat slightly.

"Neji!" Both Hinata and Hiashi shouted in sync causing the male to jump slightly startled looking between them both.

"You are scaring Yuzuki... Stop thinking about the bad, she is a strong girl she has made it this far with three babies inside of her. She won't be unprotected she has the family protecting her and all her friends okay? Even me okay? She'll be fine." Hinata reassured him flashing him a soft smile his way, I now noticed his heartbeat was so erratic and fast like that when he sighed I could relax.

"If I need too, Neji I use to be a ninja I can active my chakra okay stop worrying my love alright." I reassured him seeing his eyes grow soft like before he nodded a couple times moving to hide his head on my neck gently whispering.

"I'm sorry.. I don't know what's the matter with me but I'm sorry for freaking you out." I gently cradled his head the best I could snuggling him up softly, as I played with his hair softly.

"It will be okay Neji, let's go lay down for a bit."

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