Chapter Three

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Yuzuki's Pov
Me and Neji were very silent for words. Neither one us could really move from our spots, I was taking a good look around our brand new bedroom. It still felt a little new on my tongue to say that.

This was our bedroom. And officially to start the movement of the marriage, Lord Hyuga arranged for the construction of the bedroom to be finished.

He said we should be used to seeing one another soon we would-be husband and wife. At the age of thirteen.

We both gulped almost like we were thinking the same thing, like lost teens. I glanced over at him through the strands of my black hair and he gave me a quick shy push towards the bed.

"Pick which side you want." He stammered. I looked at him in shock, before gulping slipping off my shoes. I walked towards the bed pressing my hands into it, before choosing the left side gesturing to it.

He nodded in understanding and moved to study the right side "This Is what married couples do?" He questioned more to himself, slowly flipping his hair over his shoulder.

"What are we suppose to do on the honeymoon?" I felt my ears heat up. I was in shock that I knew. The lump was forming in my throat before I muttered the answer to him

"We conceive an heir." The biggest blush went across his face before he inhaled. I

"So sex?" He bluntly said and I quickly nodded my head, hiding my head to keep my heartbeat at ease.

Three years I would be sixteen. Neji was already fourteen and I wasn't ready. "Hey just relax." Neji slowly his hand came in contact with my arm.

"I'm gonna take care of you, I'll be the best husband through an arranged marriage." He joked trying to lighten the room and mood up.

I let a shy giggle out. "Just...  I never imagined all this." I whispered slowly lifting my head up from my palms not realizing I had started crying.

"What if your uncle isn't pleased? Or something happens? The marriage fails. Or when we do have to have a baby something happens Neji I'm too young for this." I quickly started to panic but quickly his eyes seemed to glow and he was firmly calling my name forcing me to look at him.

"Yuzuki look at me okay! Take a small breath out, yeah look at me, in and out that's it." I started into the deep depths of his white eyes. Slowly following his breathing our chests rising and falling slowly.

"My eyes see everything, I can see how you fidget, or when you are nervous. Now it may have only been a few months, but this marriage is gonna happen, you'll be an amazing wife, and when it does finally happen, you'll be an amazing mother okay." He whispered quietly to me.

My breathing was finally even and I gave him a small head nod. He slowly pressed his forehead to mine. Shutting his eyes.

This was the first time in the many months of meeting him we had touched, and or been this close.

"I see and feel everything around you, you're gonna be just perfect alright, I don't show it but I'm just as scared." He whispered.

I shut my eyes along with his. Before deciding to do something a little strange I nuzzled my nose against his.

"You'll be amazing Neji you already are," I whispered quietly, opening my eyes to get a glimpse of a small smile making its way across his lip, before his eyes snapped open once they had relaxed.

"Then will both be amazing." He removed his forehead from mine, and I tucked away my hair growing annoyed with it.

I was gonna have Hinata cut it one of these days it always getting in my way.

"Now we have a small problem, now there's only one bathroom, so we are gonna have to share. I know you don't like others looking at you when you change so I'll change near the closet okay." I gave him a deep head nod it was gonna be so strange.

I haven't shared a bed in a long time. I use to with my mom when I was a young girl back in the around village before she died.

My white eyes and Neji's were staring into one another. Reading one another. I trusted him more then I had ever trusted a man before.

And maybe because this time. I actually had a caring man who was gonna be my husband. He had power but at the same, time, he had grace. And he sometimes was really mean to others. But had a soft spot deep inside his heart.

And I think what was scaring me was because I was slowly loving him. When I knew I shouldn't be.

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