Chapter Twelve

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Yuzuki's Pov
"Do you think it's all girls or all boys or a mix?" I shook away the sudden sleepiness that had hit all of sudden shifting around in the bed for just a small moment taking notice that Neji had the side of his head pressed slightly on the baby bump.  His palm gliding across it with sudden interest and wondered shown in his eyes all of a sudden a little smile taking of her features with ease.

"Well I'm sure if they are all boys they are gonna be much like you, slightly cold and formal and your uncle is gonna want them to train non stop. But then again I don't think the gender will matter to your uncle he'll make them learn the Hyuga clan traditions regardless." I shook with soft laughter, hearing Neji's soft low chuckled rumbling across my belly for a moment.

"That's correct but we won't have to worry about that till they hit the prime age of five. Till then they are all ours but I don't want them to undergo the same treatment I received." He shook his head firmly a couple times keeping his head in place, I moved my hand down to gently threaded through the loose strands of his hair moving it away from his view sight, my fingers gently rubbed against his mark over his temple.

"We won't let that happen yeah? Your clan elders will just get yelled at by you. I've seen you yell at them a few times." The loudest snort escaped from the both of us, his fingers gliding across the exposed stretch marks across my skin.

"I don't yell, I just speak calmly and intelligently and they aren't fond of that. Do you promise me when I'm away in missions you'll be safe? I don't think you've realized but you are the most important thing in my life. And you always will be do you understand." My breath hitched a little.

Before I looked down at Neji to see he was staring deep into my eyes like he was focused with stern softness laced through out them. I gave him a gentle smile nodding my head slowly a couple times at him, cupping at his right cheek stroking my thumb across it.

"I promise you Neji. Everything will be okay, I'll be okay. Most of the days I don't even wanna move with how heavy I've become. Things will be okay, while you all are out saving the world." I joked feeling a slight shift across my belly cause Neji to move his head for a moment looking confused blinking a few times before he laughed for a moment.

"I- wow that was a hard kick guess they don't like me hogging you as well."

"Come come Yuzuki! You need all the fresh air you can get." I shouldn't have found the sight of Lee rushing with me gently wrapped around his arm leading me towards the fresh training grounds from some much needed air away from the leaf inner city and towards the more calm air side of the forest.

"I'm waddling as fast as I can Lee." I said through my quiet laughter. Gosh that breeze felt amazing rushing through my hair and across my heated skin. Both of us arriving soon. I looked around the training grounds with a smile at Lee's excitement just to be anywhere, tilting my head up for a moment taking in a deep breath.

"Oh! Just so you aren't worrying. Lady Tsunade is making Neji be the team leader for a mission with Sakura, Naruto and Sai." I blinked a bit but chuckled folding my arms across my aching chest as I shifted a few times.

"He did say she was gonna start having him lead more missions, poor thing." I muttered more to myself glancing down at my ring for a moment I exhaled. I need to remember to protect myself so he wasn't always worrying himself death.

"Say Yuzuki? You were a sound ninja correct? Have you every tried to see if your chakra still works?" I smiled Lee's way a nervous laugh leaving me as I cleared my throat casually.

"I've never tried actually.. I remember back in the sound village you know it was used for some good. Mostly bad though. I don't wanna hurt anyone." Lee bounced over towards me with a smile pulling me into a hug.

"You never know unless you try. I'll be right here. Don't use a lot of chakra though cause of the babies." He then cooed with a happy smile touching at my belly gently.

"Can't wait to be an uncle." He gushed out happily, it caused my own little laughter thought he was correct. How would I ever know if I could protect anyone again if I was scared of myself. Shutting my eyes deeply with a deep exhale and all, I sank my shoulders back focusing on spreading my chakra to hit all my chakra points, making sure to keep my breathing as even as possible.

I felt the ringing hit my ears in one loop before behind my closed eyes, I focused on the ringing sound waves flashing across the entire field like a spreading force, I spoke out gently as I muttered out.

"Shikamaru, Choji and Ino are on training grounds number four?" I muttered the ringing increasing a bit but it was durable to focus on the loud clashing sounds and Ino exclaiming about Shikamaru trying to lay down. The ringing faded as I focused on Lee who was grinning his eyes wide.

"Woah Yuzuki! You were able to hear that far? Do you know how far that training grounds is? You and Neji with your sight and hearing is an incredible match." I flashed him a sleepy smile with a giggle placing my hand over my temple.

"Think I'm gonna need more training with that. My head feels like it's gonna explode." I said with a soft giggle feeling Lee place his arm around my waist leading me to sit down.

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