The Confrontation

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This chapter contains smut scenes.

I told the boys everything, even what happened under deck and between the captain and me. I knew some were too young to understand, but a shadow in the City-girls eyes told me she understood. Henry scowled when I told what Peter had said, about him being dead and all the boys being injured.
"So it appears our leader has been lying to us all this time," Henry said once I was done with my story.
"I don't like Peter anymore," one of the boys said. The City-girl nodded slowly and her gaze met mine, "I'm genuinely sorry about everything," Her eyes seemed to say. I smiled, she answered the smile.
"If by chance Peter comes back, I will never forgive him for what he did. And I totally understand why you had to make the bargain," Henry said. It was good to have a friend that supported my decisions.

I left the Tree and went back to the East coast and made my swim back to the ship. I climbed up the ladder to get a board, I let myself roll on the deck. Breathing deep in and out, "You're back," a voice said. Peter.
"What do you care if I'm back or not?" I snapped.
"I was starting to worry about you," he said.
"Oh so now you're worried about me not returning."
"I have always been worried about you."
"Fucking lie! I went to the Tree, all the boys were fine. Oh and guess what, to my big surprise, Henry was still alive. Care to explain why you lied to us?" I said irritated while getting on my feet and walking over to him.
"So you consider yourself as one of these people? A pirate?", he asked.
"Whether I'm one of them or not you lied to both of us, you made me think one of my best friends was dead and you blamed Hook who was innocent. You made me think that he broke my request. You lied."
I scowled at Peter he looked up at me and sighed, "Yes I lied, hoping you would change your mind and come back to the Tree."
"Keep dreaming, boy."

I walked away and went inside the cabin. "Hey, how are you?" Hook asked he was cleaning his hook and was shirtless.
"Erm...I'm fine thanks," I said my eyes locked on his abs. "I heard you swam to the Island, did you see your Tree?"
"I did, none of the boys were injured. Henry was still alive, Peter lied to us." Hook nodded and chuckled a little.
"You sound like you're surprised he did. He lies all the time, (Y/n)." I sighed.
"Anyways, did you guys talk while I was away?" I asked. He turned around and rolled his eyes, "It's like talking to a wall, he doesn't want to cooperate. Maybe I should just slit his throat and then throw him overboard."
"No you're not going to do that, slitting his throat? Come on you can do better than that," I said. Hook looked at me and smiled a little.
"I think I'm having a bad influence on you," he mumbled. Now I had to smile, I laid down on his bed with my back turned to him.
"I think he should suffer," I finally said. We were silent during a long minute. I felt a warm comforting breath curling up my neck, a hand rested on my cold shoulder and traced a line all the way to my lower back. I thought about Peter being outside and probably able to hear every word I had said, every word I had yet to say. But again as the captain drew a circle on my shoulder blade I couldn't stop the warm fluttering in my stomach. I wanted him and I knew he wanted me too.
I shoved a little more against him, his lips collided quickly with my neck and he moved his hand on my belly to pull me closer. I felt something pushing against my lower back, I remembered our first night together how it happened so quickly. I would have never thought I'd be able to actually like him, I remember being a enemy, a girl. I had grown so much since I got on this ship. Maybe one day I'll leave with him, maybe one day I'll be able to leave this bloody island behind with all the memories I had of it.

Hooks hand had made its way beneath my bellybutton, I was still with my back turned to him, his body like an armor around me. Then suddenly one of his fingers came into me, shortly after he put another finger. I had to bite on lip to stop myself from moaning, he clearly noticed it and his mouth caressed my ear-shell. "Go one I know you want to scream. You have my permission," his voice was a low whisper that only made the fluttering in my stomach wilder.
I couldn't hold it back anymore, I let out a moan when I had reached my climax. His fingers slowly came back from under the covers and ended up in his mouth. I was breathing heavily, but smiled when our eyes met. Hook hung over me and opened my shirt slowly, admiring every single detail of my body. "You truly are the most beautiful creature on this Island, (Y/n)," he murmured.
I chuckled, "How about we changed the roles. I go on top and let me please you."
Again that wicked smile. But I pushed him with ease on the mattress and started to unbuckle his trousers, setting the animal in him free, his shirt was already removed. I gave him a mischievous glance and closed my mouth around his dick.
He cursed and sighed, each time I swallowed him his body tensed.
"(Y/n)," he sort of moaned and pulled himself out of my mouth before releasing himself on the mattress. Before he could do anything my fingers scraped it off the blanket and I sucked it off.
"I think now you're ready to get to the real business," I whispered with a wink.
He only smirked.

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