The Confession

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"It's worth a try, but how can I know you won't turn against us? Against me?" He asked.
"You don't, I'm only in this so that I can give him my share of pain. Otherwise he's completely yours," I replied. Hook gave it a thought, his blue eyes locked on me. Then he stretched out his hand and we shook upon the new bargain. Close my eyes against the feeling of his hand.
"So you don't want to leave?" He asked a couple of minutes later to break the silence that had settled, allowing me to focus on something else.
"I-I'm not sure," I mumbled.
"You're not sure? Why, what's troubling you? You have your freedom back," he asked, turning his chair to me.
"I want to hurt him. I want to break whatever we had," I forced out, my eyes turning glassy from the rage.
"He'll pay for everything he's ever done, don't work yourself up..."
"I don't want to stay calm, I have every right to be furious with him. I hate him. I loathe him!"
My heart was beating so fast that I could feel it in my throat. Hook stood up and took my hands in his. Against our agreement... I flinched away, he got the message. "Calm yourself, he's not worthy of your energy. You will give him what he deserves and we'll finish him together," he said, keeping his distance.
But what if he didn't keep it? What if I did the worst thing possible to hurt Peter. There was nothing bounding me to him anymore. I could do whatever I wanted.
"You're right..." I dared to let my hand skim his. It didn't even touch but he felt it, his eyes shot up to mine. This time I took a deep breath and took his hand. I had to fight back a gag. Block out the crawling feeling and dark memories.
"Whoa...what are you doing?" He asked retrieving his hand uncertain.
"I don't know..." I whispered.
"This is against the agreement..." he said.
"I thought that was only available until he came back for me or until I gave you the location," I murmured, looking slowly up towards his eyes.
"No, I- We can't...not after what I've made you go through, you're hurt and angry. I won't treat you like that," he told, taking a step back.
"He'd be furious with me...he'd hear me and it'd break him like nothing else," I muttered. Have I lost my sanity? What was happening?
"You have to calm down," He said.
"How can I calm down when this just happened. Imagine how he would hate me. Giving him a reason to come back so we can begin the plan!" I said. I have to shut the hell up, because this isn't me.
"(Y/n) you're free, go. I won't hold you here any longer," he said, "You've given me what I've always wanted."
"And where do I take profit in all of this?" I asked.
"Once we have him, I'll give you a sign," he sighed.
"You truly are a man of your word..." I whispered.
"Yeah, and I'm not about to break that reputation now."
"Not even if it meant destroying your sworn enemy by shredding him to pieces?"
There was a moment of silence, he turned around and looked me in the eyes, "I want to hurt him. Very badly. But I won't take advantage of your pain and sadness. You're not well."
That was it. I had to do something before it was too late.
"Screw the bargain, screw the first night, screw Peter. I can no longer deny that I'm attracted to you, and I absolutely hate it but this is the only thing I need right now, please free me and you'll never hear of me again," I said.
He turned his head to me, "You're what?"
"You heard me, I'm not going to repeat myself," I grumbled, I took two steps and I was in front of him. Inches away from his chest. He was taller than me, which was pretty intimidating.
"Repeat yourself, please," he said with a husky voice. My heart was only pounding faster and faster, I could feel my face turning red. He had an amused glint in his eye. Mocking almost.
"I'm attracted to you..." I whispered again.

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