The Raid (P2)

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Hook P.O.V.

She had been gone for a day, and so had Peter. I had send different search parties to find (Y/n), but at night the Island was like a labyrinth. Now again there were groups searching for the Tree and trying to find (Y/n), I was leading one of them.
"Are you sure we're walking in the right direction, Cap'n?" one of the men asked behind me.
"Yes, of course I am, what do you think I am, a Girl scout?" The others snickered at my reply. I had brought the map (Y/n) had traced the line on with me, she had given me the exact location of the Tree. I could still remember the way she was holding the pencil, the way her hair was loosened on her shoulders. I will not lose her.
We kept walking through the leafy forest, almost reaching the pines when a laugh startled us.
I turned around to my men, all their faces in confusion. I jerked my head towards the sound and we followed it.

Once we were close enough to the sound I lifted my hook to give sign to stop. I glanced through the leaves of a bush and saw a bunch of boys armed to teeth with sticks, rocks and even bows and arrows. It didn't take me long to realise that they were the Lost Boys and that they were going on a raid. I looked over to Smee and saw that he understood too. We had to make our way back to the ship before they reached the beach, there were only five or six men left on the ship to guard it. We silently slipped away back towards the beach and the ship. Maybe (Y/n) would be with them.

Back on the beach we quickly took the rowboat back to the ship and climbed onboard warning that there would be a raid by the Lost Boys. I noticed that the others had come back too, "Did you find anything?"
"No sir, no sign of the girl. We did see the boys armed with sticks and rocks walking towards the beach." I nodded and went back to Smee. "It's alright, we'll find her," he said.
"You don't know that," I replied looking at the beach waiting to see any sign of the boys or Peter. He sighed,
"The Island isn't that large, she's easy to find. You know the Island by heart."
"I knew the Island. It has changed since I've left," I explained. Knowing it would only stress me more than anything else. I walked away and thought of where to search if she wasn't with Peter-which I seriously doubted. She could have been taken by the Indians, or maybe she got lost in the mountains...No (Y/n) knew this Island by heart. She knew all the kinds of danger on this Island. But maybe not at night, even when I was a Lost boy I couldn't find my way on the Island at night. The Island was more alive at night, the animals were wilder and everything changed. The trees were bigger, the plants covered everything and the ground felt like you're walking on water. I looked over my shoulder and noticed that my men were readying themselves for the raid, even after all those years Peter never grew tired of raiding the pirates. We used to raid them together with the Lost boys from that time. Then I heard a call from one of the men, "They're here!" I saw my crew taking their places when the first five boys rolled onboard.

"Harm no one! Tie them all together!" I ordered. "Aye Cap'n!" one man shouted. The next boys had arrived, they were more than I remembered. One of them running towards me with a handmade sword challenging me in a duel, I drew my sword and the next sound was horrible. Steel crashing against steel, like when a chalk is writing on a black board.
"You old man!" the boy yelled. I sighed, I hate children. We fought until I disarmed the boy and pushed him with the others that were already defeated. Another one threw a tiny rock at me, I turned around. He looked like he was five years old. Why Peter? Why take someone so young?  The boy sticked his tongue out at me and ran away before I could grab his shoulder. But I caught him trying to throw another rock at me. He was put with the others and then I saw him.
Peter. His shadow behind the sail, a proud boy: his legs spread and his hands on his hips.
With a swing from his dagger he cut the fabric apart so that he could fly through.
"Hi Jamie," he said when our eyes met.
"Hello Peter," I replied coldly. He landed in front of me and had already his sword drawn out. I didn't wait for him to attack I immediately went for his throat. He defended himself and striked back, the sound of steel against steel was filling the air. The world around us faded, I was that boy again who fought for what he'd lost because of an other boy, today history had repeated herself. But this time I wouldn't be losing her. Eventually I disarmed Peter and threw him across the deck, "Where is she?" I asked calmly. Peter groaned in pain, "I don't know, I thought she was with you."

"Don't play with me, where is (Y/n)?" I squatted next to him and lowered one of my knees on his thorax, limiting his breathing.
"I don't know, Jamie," Peter breathed. Don't trust him...he lies all the time. If she isn't here then she's somewhere hidden in their Tree. "How can I know you speak the truth?" I asked calmly pushing my knee deeper into his chest. He coughed and gasped for air, but I didn't move.
"I swear to you that I don't know where she is, please believe me when I tell you that, James." I saw an emotion in his eyes, something I had never seen before in Peters green eyes. It was fear. The boy was scared, and scared people usually told the truth. I got back up removing my knee from his chest, he let out a loud gasp and placed a hand on his chest. I set two steps back and thought. Where could she be? Mermaids? Mountains? Swamp? Skull Rock? Indians? Hold on, the Indians. Maybe (Y/n) wandered into their territory and they took her with them. I looked back at the Island and took my coat off. I noticed how everyone had gone quiet, my crew mates were waiting for my command and the lost boys for Peters. My men had done as told, they had harmed no child and kept them all together in a corner of the ship. I walked over to Smee, "Get those children off the ship, I know where she is." My first mate gave me a short nod and turned around to give the orders. I proceeded to unscrew my hook and put both him and my dagger in my mouth. I took a run-up and dived into the sea. The water was cold, but I didn't care. I struggled to swim at first but then I got into a rhythm and reached the beach quickly. I crawled through the sand and ran into the forest. It was a long trip to the Indian camps and a dangerous one at night. So I had to find my way out of this forest before the sunset. I tied my sword back to my belt and screwed my hook back onto my arm making my way through the thick forest.

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