The Princess's Birthday

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Before getting kidnapped by the Indians
Henry and I ran through the pines forest searching for the Eastern-coast. Peter will be looking for us soon. We had left early that morning so the sun was nearly up when I said goodbye to the boys.
"Are you alright (Y/n)?" Henry asked. I nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just find the way back to the ship."

We kept walking and walking, the forest was nothing like I remembered. All the trees were different, so we quickly lost our way and ended up at the border between the leafy and the pines forest. But instead of seeing the sea we saw a mountain. I knew something wasn't right but what could I do? I was supposed to know this Island by heart. Henry suggested to keep walking until we saw the sea, he was not wrong. We lived on a Island, the water was surrounding us. And so we kept walking, the sun was slowly climbing up in the sky. And that is when I realised that we were on forbidden ground. We had left the mountains behind us along with the pines forest, we were walking in the Fields. Indians territory. If we got caught they wouldn't have mercy. There was a rumour that a former Lost boy got eaten by the Tribe. "Henry," I murmured. He looked over his shoulder and gave me a questioning look. "These are the Fields." His look hardened, he glanced around us to see if there was no one listening to us.
"We have to get out of here before we get caught, I don't want to finish in an Indian belly!" I whispered aggressively. Henry nodded and we went lower in the high grass's. Like that crawling on the ground we made our way half the Fields. Until it was noon and we wanted to hunt for maybe a partridge or a little rabbit. We were wrong to stop and even more wrong to hunt in the Fields. As soon as we had the idea, a brown coloured hand closed itself around Henry's mouth and another around his chest and arms.
I wanted to call for him but the same happened to me.

After getting kidnapped by the Indians
I heard loud drums sounds as we walked inside the camp. We were carried like bait on our kidnappers shoulders, our hands and feet tied up and blindfolded. Somewhere in the camp people where singing weird songs and dancing. Smoke filled my nose and I knew there had to be a campfire. Then the sounds I heard were more from people inside a tent. We got tossed on the ground and our blindfolds were pushed into our mouths so that we could see but not speak. I saw other man with that brown skin colour and other drawings on their arms, chest and face. In front of us sat an elder looking man, he had a crown of feathers on his head and his face was painted with different colours. The kidnappers spoke to him in a strange language, once he was done the elder man looked at Henry and me and sighed.
"So you stole our food?" He asked with a strange accent. I shook my head heavily and tried to tell him that we were only passing by in the Fields.
"No, you lying. You were trying to steal food from us." Now it was Henry's time to defend ourselves, "We didn't steal anything." The Elder man sighed in frustration and said something to one of the kidnappers. Henry's head got pulled back and a hot iron blade was held inches away from his throat.
"No! Please don't hurt him!" I begged.
"Than you tell me the truth, why were you in our Fields and did you steal anything?" I shook my head, "We got lost early this morning, we thought we were going to the Eastern-coast and then we ended up here. We didn't steal any food, I promise." The elder man sighed and kept quiet for a while then he said something to the kidnappers behind us, they released Henry and untied the both of us. I flew into Henry's arms glad that he wasn't burned or cut.

Then we got escorted to the dancing and singing people I had heard when entering the camp. All of them were moving in the same way, and singing things in that weird language. There was a huge pole with different heads of animals carved into the wood of the pole. The elder man came out of the tent followed by an elder woman and a young girl, maybe around my age. Thought I had forgotten how old I actually was. Time is different on this Island. For all I cared, I could be a century old without knowing it.
The elder man stood in front of the giant pole and shouted something that made everyone stop doing the things they were doing, after he spoke all the people around us cheered and clapped their hands on their legs. The young girl who had been following the elder man climbed on a little table and the cheering grew louder. She had to be the chiefs daughter. And the elder man was probably the chief. Once the girl was back on the ground the dancing and singing continued but this time she participated. I went over to a woman sitting with another girl making baskets.
"Excuse me but who is that girl?" I asked, the woman looked at me as if I was an extra terrestrial being.

"That is Princess Tiger-Lily." I nodded to thank the woman and went back to Henry who was still watching the dancing Indians.
"That's Tiger-Lily," I explained.
"Maybe it's her birthday or something..." Henry said, "There has to be a reason why she's being celebrated."
I sighed, "Honestly I think we better sneak away before we're being put on tonight's menu."
"You're right, let's go," he said. But when we turned around our kidnappers were like a wall behind us.
"Going somewhere?" One asked. I shook my head.
"This is how you thank us for our mercy? We even let you attend the Chiefs daughter birthday celebration and you want to sneak out?" The other said.
"We have to get back somewhere. People are waiting for us," I explained.
"Oh but you're going nowhere," the first kidnapper said with a grin.
"Your friends can wait," the other said. I gave Henry a scared glance and I could see his own fear now displayed on his face.

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