The Break out

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"We...we cuddled and kissed." I answered.
"So when you cuddle you make weird moaning noises? And how do you kiss? It's something you have to give, not something you can actually do." Stupid boy. A kiss isn't an object, it's something two people do when they like each other.
"Whatever. I still don't believe you about the cuddling part. When I cuddle a friend I don't make weird noises."
"I'm not saying you what we did." He got on his knees so fast and pulled out his knife against my throat.
"Tell me every single detail and you shall live." I swallowed the lump I had in my throat and spoke.
"Peter I'm tired, I've had a pretty rough day. Can you please let me sleep?" My eyelids were literally about to shut. The last thing I heard was Peter sighed out of annoyance.
You guys always have to sleep, it's a waste of time!"

Somebody shook me awake, in front of me stood Henry and the City-girl. I heard Ropes snapping.
"What about Peter?" I mouthed.
"He's taken care of," Henry replied in the same mouthing style. Once I was entirely free from my ropes I hugged Henry like I had never hugged him.
"Run away as far as you can," he whispered. "But what will happen to you? You're risking your life doing this!"
"I know, but it's worth it. As long as you can go away and take Wendy, John and Michael with you then I'm fine. I can handle Peter on my own." I looked Henry deeper in the eyes and hugged him once more.
"Thank you Henry, thank you." He smiled back and we left the Tree in the middle of the night. The City-Girl and her brothers were fast. We ran as fast as possible to the EasternCoast, we would only have to swim to the ship and we'd be saved. Once we arrived at the beach I saw a Silhouette of a long coat. There was only one person who lived on this Island who had this coat. Hook!
"Hey! We're here!" I called. Once the City-Girl noticed the silhouette too she started calling for him too.
"Hey! Captain! We're here!" We reached him and I tapped him on the shoulder.

"Good evening, ladies," I could feel all my hope sinking in the ground when I saw Peters head. "Gents," he bowed deep before the four of us. "It's a bit cold for a night walk isn't it? Wait a second," Peter looked directly at me and grinned, "you're not even supposed to be out here. Who freed you?" I kept my mouth shut. "Come on, we've been doing this the whole time now. Just answer."
"I did," the City-Girl said. Peter raised a brow and his eyes twinkled from the surprise, "Wendy...why would you?"
"Because she's a girl, not a dog who should be held in place with ropes and torture." I dared to glance at the City-girl, she didn't flinch, she kept her head high to confront Peter.
"You have nothing to do with this Wendy, this is a problem between (Y/n) and me." I was too tired to fight with Peter or with anyone for that matter.
"It's alright City-Girl. I'll go back with him," I eventually mumbled. Peter grinned again, "That's a good girl."
"I'm not a dog!" I yelled.
"Careful or you'll sleep outside," Peter sang.

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