The Escape

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Before I could run away or yell for help Peter grabbed me by the arm and flew high up in the sky. He Held a dirty hand against my mouth to prevent me from screaming. I was about to bite him when a hard thing slammed me on the head and knocked me out. We flew all the way back to the Island, passed the pine tree forest part. When we were above the Tree Peter dropped me, I fell trough the tree trunk all the way down inside the Tree. I landed on a sand floor and when I got up I saw a circle of boys in animal furs surrounding me, still unable to talk and numb. Peter landed next to me and made his rooster sound to make sure he got all the attention.
"Hello boys, look who I found on Captain Hooks ship! Our friend (Y/n) is back and she'll be staying with us now! Great news right!?" The boys looked from Peter to me and whispered a little. "Peter?" A voice sounded in the background. The smaller boys that were surrounding me made way for Henry and the City-girl.
"You're back?" He sounded a little bit confused. "What is (Y/n) doing here? Wasn't she with Hook?"
Peter chuckled, "She was indeed but I rescued her from him!" The eyes of the smaller boys widened from amazement. The effect he wanted, that damned sun everyone must revolve around. Henry wasn't so convinced that was what happened but he didn't fight back. Same for the City-girl, she knew the real story, she knew what happened.
"We shall prepare a raid to teach them a lesson, never again will a Lost Boy or Girl be taken away!" The smaller boys cheered with him. Peter made his way to Henry and the City-girl, "You don't look pleased that I'm back, why is that?" He asked.

Henry sighed, "Maybe because (Y/n) passed by to tell us the other side of the story. Is it true that you had forgotten about her? That you preferred listening to Wendy's stories than saving (Y/n)? No offence Wendy." The City-girl shook her head with a little smile.
"I didn't forget about my first Lost Girl! I would never forget about her," Peter said lazily. "Are you sure because somehow I think (Y/n)'s story has more truth in it than half what you said to us," Henry replied. The green fire in Peters eyes lit up again and I could see a glimpse of doubt in everyone's eyes except Henry's.
"You dare to oppose me? I told you the truth, (Y/n) is still shocked after what happened to her on the Jolly. Now leave it and get ready for the Raid!" He flew away and before I could go to Henry and hug him Peter grabbed me again and up we went. We were in his private rooms. Once he had put me down I tried to run away again.
"You ain't going anywhere ," Peter said behind me. I felt a rope tightening around my neck. I choked and fell still unable to talk. I was tired. My eyelids fell shut and I tumbled into a endless void.

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