The Lost Boy

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What had I done? I turned around and noticed that he was still sleeping, there was something calm on his face. He was laying on his belly with his face turned to me. I decided to get dressed and left the cabin. Yesterday had been late, actually the captain and I had been staying up talking and kissing until sunrise. I guessed half the day was gone once I saw the sun outside, the deck was empty, no sailors, no one. Even the Island only seemed to wake now too. I looked up and saw a bunch of crew mates tangled in the ropes between the sails, all of them in a deep sleep. I could hear the distant laughs echoing from the Island, probably the Lost Boys having a treasure hunt. I knew I should be feeling guilty, that I should be crying for what I did. But...nothing, I felt no guilt, this time Guilt bowed her head before me. I wouldn't be hanging out with that flying boy, I wouldn't be seduced by his smile or deep green eyes. The men above me kept sleeping, I tried to be as silent as I could when I walked to the bowsprit. I laid on it again and stared at my reflection. Will I ever be able to look at him again? Will I ever be able to talk with him again without thinking about his smell? After all the things he did to me last night... I glanced at my reflection, I looked nothing like the old me. This was a grownup...not a girl anymore. I heard some noises above my head, the men were slowly all waking up. I stayed on the bowsprit, hoping no one would be bothering me. But my thoughts were still wild, what do I say if I see him? Do I have to talk about last night? Do I actually want to talk to him? I tried to shut the questions popping in my mind. I should never have told him where we lived. I should have never tell on him, betray him. The once so strong bond I had felt with him was completely torn apart. I should've thought about it before giving Hook all the information. Because now not only Peter was in danger but all the Lost Boys too, and they were innocent. They were my family, my friends...except for the City girl. I heard footsteps behind me, I ignored it and kept staring at myself in the water. Then something had picked my attention, a whistletone. I turned my head and saw all the pirates gathered under the sails pointing to the sky. Then I saw it too, Peters shadow was clearly drew behind the sail.

"Good day to you, gentlemen," he said bowing deep. I walked off the bowsprit and joined the group of men under the sails. There he was, sitting in the crows nest, his panflute still in his hand. Our eyes met, "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" He came down and I could only stare at him. He smiled, "Is there something wrong?" I whispered the same words, "Something wrong? Something wrong? You forgot me." He looked a little confused.
"I've been whistling for hours and you never came!" I yelled.
"It's not my fault you never came home. You decided to stay here, I can't have eyes everywhere," he simply said. I could feel my blood boiling through my veins, I wanted to punch the hell out of him, but when I raised my hand a cold metallic thing wrapped itself around my wrist.
"Is everything alright?" Hook asked. Peters face had turned a little pale but then he smiled again like a five year old boy, "Hey there." Hook gave him a murderous glance but blinked it right away.
"It was about time you came back, we were starting to think you forgot about us," he said lazily.
"Oh come on Jamie, I could never forget you."
"Jamie died that day you brought Charlie on the Island, so stop calling me that," Hook said sharply and he pulled me closer, I didn't fight back. I saw a flicker of confusion in Peters eyes. "Anyway, why are you here? You're pretty vulnerable against 26 men and a woman," Hook said.
"No, only 26 men. (Y/n) belongs to me," Peter said.
"Is that so? I thought you forgot about her?" Peter laughed, "I would never forget (Y/n).", "Who's Wendy?" Hook asked calmly.
"Nobody, I've never heard that name before." That was the drop, "LIES!" I screamed at Peter. He stepped back a little and then snarled, "I never lie.",
"That's debatable," Hook murmured behind me.
"I whistled our signal thousands of times, I even called for you. I know you can hear every single thing on this Island, so you knew exactly where I was." Peter looked like a five year old that had been caught drawing on the walls. "Alright, there is a Wendy. But she doesn't replace you, she only tells me stories," Peter explained. He preferred listening to stupid fairytales than saving me? My face turned into a white deadly rage. I clenched my fists until the knuckles turned bone-white, "I hate you Peter Pan. I hate you," I whispered underneath my breath. He got a painful facial expression and I could read the betrayal in his eyes. But shortly after he smiled again, that god-damned smile, I would've loved to rip it from his face. "That's impossible, you're my friend. You love me like all the other Lost Boys. (Y/n), please." I shook my head, "First of all I'm a woman and second I'm not coming with you."
"What do you mean?"
I sighed but meant every word as I said:
"I want to grow up."

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