The Childish Boy

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I looked at the horizon, the sun was setting and the first stars began to shine. Everyone on the ship were or playing cards, talking or drinking under deck. Peter was still chained to the deck and kept quiet for once, I turned around to look at him. He'd been staring at me the entire time.
"You know that's very creepy, staring like that, like you're some kind of wild animal with Rabies." He just kept staring at nothing. I moved a little closer and sat next to him, "You're allowed to talk you know," I said just loud enough so he alone would hear me. He kept staring to nothing in particular, "I heard you," he whispered, "I heard you last night." He finally looked at me and I could see a tear rolling down his cheek.
"I know," was the only thing I could think of to say.
"You sounded hurt...did he hurt you?"
"No, he wouldn't."
"Oh please (Y/n)! He's a pirate, how can you trust him?" I took a deep breath in and out, "This will maybe come as a surprise to you but unlike you he held his promises. He never lied about murdered friends. That is why I trust him." Peter looked away and then faced the ground, "You held your promise too, you grew up." He noticed

When he looked back at me it was like he'd seen the ugliest creature alive.
"And that disgusts me."
"There's a term for that, Childish. That's what you are. You're childish and selfish, as long as my lord Pan has his comfort but you don't give a damn about any of us. I bet Wendy's the next to join the crew."
"Don't you dare say that!"
"Or what? You're going to banish me from the Island? Go on, this place is a nightmare anyways."
"I would never banish you and you know that." I scowled at him and stood up, "Actually no I don't know that for sure. You banished your best friend before by stealing his hand, how do I know you're not planning on doing the same to me?" The green fire in his eyes grew brighter.
"He got what he deserved, he preferred the others above me. I'm the one who had brought him to the Island in the first place and that is how he thanked me, by going with the other boys and forgetting about me." This boy was unbelievable, I didn't even want to finish the argument. I wanted to smack him in the face so bad! I wanted to walk away but a hand grasped my arm before I could leave. I turned around and saw Peter standing with flaming eyes behind me.
"Time to go home (Y/n)."

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