The Rescue

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We went back to the Tree and once inside I fell asleep on the ground.
"Not on the floor, you're coming with me." Peter dragged me in he's rooms again and tied me back on the bed. Except that now I was on the mattress itself, my hands were each tied on both sides of my body, same for my feet.
"You really think I'd harm you?" I said with a sleepy voice.
"I just don't want you to leave, and I know that if I don't tie you down you'll try to sneak out again." I tried to keep my eyes open.
"I hate you," were the last things I said before falling asleep.

My arms felt numb. I had to take them down for a second or two, just so I could feel the blood running through the them again. But I knew Peter would never let my hands go. I tried to pull the ropes, With no success. Peter and the boys where preparing their stuff for the Raid, everyone except Henry, the City-Girl and her brothers were excited. I could hear them cheer outside of the Tree, meanwhile I was pinned like a starfish on Peters bed. I heard footsteps and voices, they were coming my way. Peter walked inside and grinned when he saw me, "You know I must admit that you're kind of attractive, pinned like that on the bed with a full grown body."
"Since when do you like Grownups? Shouldn't I be send away?" I asked.
"Yeah but it's more fun to see how Jamie's breaking his mind trying to find you. Besides where would you go? This is your home, you have nowhere else to call it that." I scowled at him but he just gave me that smile I once adored. I turned my head away and sighed. "Am I to stay like this forever?" Peter laughed, "Why does it hurt?"
"As a matter of fact it does indeed. My arms have turned numb because of the missing blood in them," I explained.
"So you want me to untie your arms, very well." Peter pulled the knots on my right wrist and my left wrist, both loosened. I sat up immediately and took my wrists in my hands, I could feel the blood flowing through my veins again.

A tingling sensation crawled through my fingers and hands. I looked back at Peter who was just staring at me, something glimmered in his eyes.
"Are you done? Then I can tie you back," he said softly.
"Why? don't you trust me with free hands?" He grinned and took my wrists roughly apart, he pushed me back on my back and pinned my wrists next to my head.
"Get of me!" I hissed. Peter was hanging on top of me.
"Why?" He whispered smiling. His eyes were just inches away from mine and I could see the green fire smoldering again. I stamped with my feet against the bed, trying to pull the ropes off. I pushed Peter of me but he was stronger. I could feel one of his hands gripping my throat, choking me.
"Peter...I can't breath!" I gasped for air. Peter just smiled down at me, his eyes blazing.
"(Y/n)?" I heard Henry's voice and tried to scream but Peter held his other hand on my mouth. Henry's footsteps came closer and then he appeared.

"PETER?!" Henry jumped on Peter to drag him of me.
"You stupid fool!" Peter yelled.
"What the hell were you doing? Are you alright (Y/n)?" Henry came closer to me and untied my feet, he took me in his arms holding me tight.
"You're sick Peter, I'm leaving and so is (Y/n)." Henry gave a Peter a glance with so much hatred that it startled me a bit. Henry and I walked out of the Tree announcing that we were leaving the lost boys. The City-girl and her brothers gave us a sad glance, I knew that they wanted to go home. Find their mama and papa again, their families. But the City-girl said nothing and faced her youngest brother and told him something. Henry and I walked away but not before Peter yelled something at us.

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