The Man with the Red beanie

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I was still sitting on the bowsprit, the red beanie man came next to me. And we talked a little, well I made sounds and nodded a few times, he did mostly the talking.
"I get that you're upset about what happened between you and Pan. But he deserved it."
I've been trying to tell myself that for twenty minutes now, but that damned guilt feeling. "Why did I give him the location of the Tree?" I murmured, he was going to destroy it...I was foolish to give him that location. The guilt was drowning me again in my regrets, I wished I had died that first night. What if he founds out I told Hook about the Tree, he would absolutely kill me. A chill went down my spine, what if he haunted me like he did with Hook? The man next to me kept talking, it was comforting somehow. I didn't know what he was talking about but it was comforting. The man kept talking for two hours straight, I remember vaguely that he'd mentioned a story about a dog and another about a Panhunt- an endless search for Peter. The sun started to set down and a shiver told me that the temperature went down too. I went back inside the cabin and just stared at the Island. I was in no mood to do anything or to talk to anyone. You did the right thing, you did the right thing, you did the right thing... I repeated at myself, I had to belief that I did the right thing. I had to believe.

Someone came inside, I knew it was Hook by the way he breathed.
"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" I nodded and tried to smile.
"Please tell me I did the right thing," I said once I was close enough to see the dark blue flecks in his eyes.
"You did the right thing," he said.
"Thank you." It felt good to hear someone else saying it, I did the right thing. I gave him a hug but when I tried to let go he only held me tighter. He lifted me a little and fell on the bed with me on top of him.
"You little..." he mused.
"You're the one who pulled me down," I said. He gave me a wicked smile and lean forward to kiss me. I answered his kiss, I felt the sudden urge to touch him. Just his chest was enough, I opened his shirt and touched the warm skin underneath. I realised how cold my hands were only until then, but he didn't seem to care. His hand held my waist and drew small cirkels with his fingers on my skin. Then he turned and pinned me down on the mattress, I didn't fight back.
"Take my clothes off," I murmured in his ear as I licked it. A shot of adrenaline rushed through my body, that same feeling I had last night when I'd felt his breath curling up my neck. He sat straight and unbuttoned my shirt, the bruises were still there even though they didn't hurt that much anymore. I helped him take of his shirt while he unscrewed his hook. He turned his head just enough so that I could spot his gleaming blue eyes filled with mischief.

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