Confusion for all

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Cole Pov
There was a knock on the door. I look out the door and saw Lizzie getting out of a car. They found us, what should I do, grab Joel and try to make a run for it or should I.. "Hey Babe should I get the door?" Asked Joel from the living room. The knocking continued harder as I made up my mind. "Yea answer it Joel." I responded as I started writing a note fastly and placing it on the pancakes and running out the back door quickly. The last thing I heard was Lizzie worried voice and someone falling as I ran the way back towards town.
Lizzie Pov
We drove to the cabin we tracked Joel. I was glad that I didn't come alone this time Joey, Oli, Lauren, Yammy, and Scott came as well in the black pickup truck that belong to Lauren's parents. Joey was the first one out and started knocking on the door. I got out a minute or so after and started pounding on the door. Just before I was about to try to kick down the door, Joel opened the door and look at us all with a smile. "Hi, how can I help you?" Joel asked. "Joel!" I said in a worried tone and hugged him so fast he lost his balance and we fell on the ground. Joel stood up and laughed as he helped me up. "That is me, do I know you ma'am?" He asked in his sweet voice. Before I could answer ran in Oli, Scott, and Lauren ran in and everyone else hugged Joel. "Hold on I don't even remember you people, Cole are you done with pancakes?" Joel yelled towards the kitchen as he tried to get out of the group hug. I ran to the kitchen with my fists balled up, ready to beat up Cole but when i got to the kitchen no one was there and a door leading outside was open. "Cole is not here." I yelled to the group that finally let Joel go who ran in and looked puzzled. "Huh, he was just here making panca---." Joel said as he walked over to the note on the pancakes. I didnt even see that. Everyone else walked in as I stood on my tiptoes to read over Joel's shoulder.
The note
Joel I am so sorry, but I lied about everything all the memories were true. I use to bully you, and seriously hurt you just because I was jealous. You were always smarter than me and after one day when my bullying of you made Lizzie break up with me I blamed you. I am the real reason you have amnesia, I hit you hard in the front of the school. I don't know why I lied about us having a romantic relationship but I am sorry, even though it was only 2 days and you were not yourself, I feel in love with you. I am turning myself into the police and giving them information about my crazy sister Rachel who has also hurt you. I don't know if you would ever trust me again once you get your memories back but if you would ever consider actually trying to have a relationship after I have served my time, look me up♡
Still Lizzie Pov
I was shocked as I read both Joel and I just stood there while everyone else looked at us worried. Suddenly Joel turned around and hugged me tightly and started crying. I stood flat foot again and rubbed his back as Joey took the note from Joel's hand and the rest of them read it and everyone had the same shocked face I did. Joel let go of me and looked around at us. "I am guessing we are all friends and you were worried about me." He said with a smirk. We all left the cabin and Joey, Joel and I sat inside the truck while Lauren, Yammy, Scott and Oli jumped in the bed of the truck and Joey drove us to Joel's house.

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