You helped me?

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My head was pounding and I could taste dried blood in my mouth. I opened my eyes but everything was blurry. From what I could see I could tell that I was in the nurse's office. I reached over and found my glasses, they were a bit crack in right lens. I put them on and looked around. I was surprised to see Lizzie Shadow sitting in a chair at the foot of the bed. Before I could say anything Oli and Joey ran in and saw I was a awake and I was embraced by my best friends. "What happened, the last thing that happened was Callum and Cole fist fighting. I asked, my voice cracking. "Me and Lizzie carried you here while Oli helped Callum here after Lizzie broke up with Cole and told him off." Answered Joey. I looked around for Callum and saw him asleep on another bed. Half of his head was wrapped in bangegs and his hands where in bangegs as well. Joel felt really bad some one else got hurt for him.
*Bell rings*
"That is the bell but we don't have your next class" said Oli. Lizzie got up and said "Actually Joel and I are both in art now so I can make sure....he..leaves him alone. Oli and Joey looked at Lizzie and shrugged and ran to class. Joel got up and grabbed his backpack. He and Lizzie started to on their way. "I am sorry about Cole, hehe he was nice at first but after we started dating he started showing his true colors so I be trying to find a way to let him down gently but after I saw what he did t ok you and your friend and hearing from your friends this was normal I snapped at him while you were passed out." Lizzie said right before they entered the class room. Joel was shocked. She snapped because of me. Why would anyone snap at someone they care for me of all people.

Sorry for the short chapter, School has been busy and I am in the middle of 2 other books but the next chapter will be longer
And if you want to be in one of my books let me kn nkw lol

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