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Joel Pov
After what happen math, I could barely focus in social studies and science. I was still in a little of shocked when the bell rang for lunch. I entered the lunch room with my head down. Luke or Cole have left me alone for the first half of the day and that only means lunch will be bad. Just then I hear a familiar voice." Joelie over here man". Said a friendly voice. I look toward the direction of the voice and smile. It was Joey Graceffa. Today he was wearing a rainbow  shirt with black pants. His blue-green eyes were glimmering behind his crazy light brown hair. I walked over to him with my lunch. "Wheres Oli?" I asked him "He is usually here before me?" "He said something about a pen pal and extra credit." Said Joey. Just then Oli came over to Joey and I with someone else. It was a male a little taller than  Oli and was wearing a black shirt with a kawaii fox on it and some jeans. He had light brown that was parted to one side and he had the clearest blue eyes I have ever seen. "Hey guys this is my pen pal that just transferred here, Callum Knight." Oli said. Both Joey and I said hi and told him our names. Just then   I felt a hand in my shoulder grabbing me firmly. "Hey nerd, we need to talk." Said a very familiar voice. It was Cole, top athlete and top jerk. Before I could say anything he threw me to get ground. I could see all Oli, Joey, and Callum all looking at me and I shock my head and mouthed the word 'no'. "A little bird told me you were trying to make moves on my girlfriend." Said Cole kneeling down to me smileing evily. "But I want to give you the benefit of the doubt because you are a stupid nerd whichs means you have to have some brain cells not to make moves on my girl." His girl, I don't ever know who his girlfriend is. "I don't even know who you girlfriend is." I said to him in a low voice. He laughed and then kicked me in my face causing my nose to bleed and my glasses to break a little. "Then let me clarify, stay away from Lizzie Shadow or else." Said Cole but before he leave something out of the ordinary happen. Callum punched Cole in the face and his nose started bleeding. Cole was beyond angry and lugged at Callum but Oli push him out of the way and Cole hit the ground. "Look you jerk, yes Joel talked to Lizzie but that is because Lizzie was asking him for help so get your facts straight before you come at someone" said Oli angrily. "Why you little." Screamed Cole has he went towards Oli but Callum got in front of him and the two started fighting. I tried to get up but Cole managed to hit me down again and knock me out cold. The last thing that I remember happened was Joey rushing over to me.
Lizzie Pov
I walked in the lunch room a little later then every else when Lauren followed by Scott rushed over to me. "Lizzie, Cole has got into a fight with a bunch of people over there." Yelled Lauren. Lizzie looked over to see Cole in a fist to fist with some one she did not remember. I ran over and yelled " What in the name of Disney is going on?!!" Both Cole and the male stopped at her, the male had clear blue eyes and a blooding nose. Before any of them could answer another person kneeling on the ground yelled "I think he has a concussion or something!" I look in his direction to see Joel, the guy I asked to tutor me unconscious on the ground with a bleeding nose and his glasses were crack. I was in shock then another guy chimed in "I bet your happy Cole!" Someone in a panda hat yell. Then it clicked. "Cole did you do this" I yelled at him my face full of anger. Cole didn't answer but I knew it was true l yelled "That is it we are done!" I turned away from Cole and he stomped off. I kneel down to Joel and helped the male in the rainbow shirt take him to the nurse and he told me his name and what happened. We got Joel to the nurse and Callum and Oli whos names I just learned from Joey followed by. I stay in the nurse till Joel woke up.

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