Chapter 10: lonely flowers

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Rose sat in her room looking over the evidence she had gathered from what Jake said and how her family was acting. 

The most important thing she did was leave Jake out of the loop for now, because he could still tell someone something if he thought it was necessary to.

Sometimes she seriously questioned herself with how much she loved the boy, but she shoved the thoughts away. The dangerously nearing hour of her friend and cousin returning was soon and she was no close to figuring out this mess of information Jake had given her.

'It will be fine Rose' she thought to herself silently. 'Oh who am I kidding I don't know how I'm going to confront them'

There was suddenly a sound of a car pulling into her drive.

She hesitated to look out the window, knowing that Amber and Carmen must be returning.

Jake was most likely in the living room, so that gave her a second to look like she was sleeping.

The, moments later she heard heavy footfall heading up the staircase to her room. Not even seconds later Amber, Carmen, Jaemin, and Jake enter.

"Did you have to bring her?" Jake whispered to Carmen as the Korean girl looked around in the hallway, not bothering to come into the room they were in.

"Well, I can't very well leave her alone in my house when my mom is supposed to come home any minute." Carmen sighed heavily. "Besides, we are supposed to be becoming her friends."

"Can you guys bicker about the girl later? Roseanne is sleeping." Amber pointed out the obvious.

"Yeah sorry..." Jake nodded.

This was a very un-Amber act of her, which made Rose wonder if her cousin was acting like this for a reason. 

"Now we have to figure out why my mom is doing business with Koreans and why she suddenly has brought Jaemin here from Gwangju," Carmen muttered.

"Yeah." Amber and Jake agreed in unison.

Rose started to fake stir in her sleep, slowly 'waking up'.

"Well, morning sleeping beauty." Jake joked with the girl.

"mhm, whatever." she mumbled in a false tired voice.

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