Chapter two: Rebel without a cause

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Above is Jake

Roseanne POV

"Don't stay out too late." Aunt Veronica sang as she walked past Carmen's door.
I got dressed into a pair of tight blue jeans, a low cut black T-shirt, I slid on my high tops and did my make up dark and put on a dangerous shade of red. As I put on my jacket I heard Carmen clear her throat behind me. I turned around to see my best friend in front of me with a similar outfit, only she's wearing a pair of tight leather pants and high heels with a leather jacket and dark blue shirt. She stares at me with her hands on her hips.
"It only 9:15 ,She should really not let us go out so late." Carmen smiles deviously checking her phone for the time.
"Ok fine you can come, it's only a check up and then going to movie night." I explain, hiding most of my plan.
We rush down the stairs of her large house and out the door into the chilly September night.
"Do you do this often?" She asks walking beside me.
"You mean stay out late? Yeah all the time." I state casually.
"Well then, that's dangerous." Carmen shrugs following me to my house.
We walk up the block and end up at my drive way.
"Ready?" I ask turning to look at her.
"What are we waiting for?" She nods.
"We have to hurry my mom will be home any minute." I rush up the steps of the porch quietly.
I unlock the door and slip in, Carmen not too far behind me. We walk into the silent home's living room to find my dad on the couch.
"You guys are getting better at sneaking in. I almost thought it was your mother but Carmen's heels gave it away. I only heard one set of feet. Carmen you're bad at sneaking in." Dad chuckled quietly.
"What happened , we came back for movie night." I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding.
"The serpents wanted to know when you're joining." Dad said his smile fading.
"What'd you say?" I ask walking into the living room, Carmen behind me.
"I said when ever you proved you were ready." He stayed as I sat on the couch.
"When do you think that will be?" I ask with a tiny spark of hope.
"Good news is you won't have to strip, I arranged it to where you can get in by regular manly initiation." He pointed out and I grimaced.
"I don't particularly like snakes." I shiver.
"Yeah, that's gonna change if you wanna join." Dad stated handing me a paper.
"What's this about?" I ask not reading it.
"It's a list of serpent laws." Dad said with a smile.
"Wait, I can join?" I asked looking over the paper, all of the words seeming familiar.
"If you'd like to." Dad nodded.
"That's great Rose." Carmen smiles hugging me.
"Yeah I guess it is." I crack a small smile that quickly disappears.
"You realise that you've wanted this for so long, right?" Carmen looked upon my unsure expression.
"What about mom? Does she know, do you think she'll even support the idea?" I ask worriedly, I want both parents approval.
"She did the same thing at your age only she stripped during a 'retirement party'." Dad stated putting air quotes around retirement party.
"Wait what?" I looked in shock.
"Yeah, I just don't want you to do that. It marks you for life. That's why I suggested you do the manly initiation." Dad explained with an unreadable expression.
"Is it even allowed?" I asked with a slight smile.
"Im the leader, ain't I?" Dad smiled.
The door closed and my mother walked into our living room.
"The leader of what hun?" Mom questioned, setting down her house keys on our glass coffee table.
"The serpents." He answers truthfully,
"Why on earth would you be talking about them?" Mom asked sarcastically pecking my dad on the lips.
"I got a home visit from the serpents." Dad explained slowly.
"What this time?" Mom asked exasperated undoing her ponytail.
"They wanna know when the next air to the serpent throne is joining." Dad finally admitted putting his arm around her.
"Our daughter?No. She won't be stripping infront of a bar full of dirty old bikers. I forbid it." Mom said, finality clear in her voice.
"She won't have to." Dad repeated his point in our conversation.
"What do you mean? It's a tradition." Mom questioned, sure of her opinion.
"I'm willing to put her through traditional men initiation." He explained.
"Oh god, Jug that's dangerous. I won't be letting men beat up my daughter." Mom said near a yell.
"It'll be women preforming the initiation. Im not stupid Betty." Dad pointed out with a daring look in his eyes.
"I want to mom." I spoke up from behind her.
"Are you sure?" Mom looks me up and down and I nod with a fearless look on my eyes.
"I won't keep you from your dreams." Mom stated simply, hugging me tightly close to her.
I see dad smile proudly and I smile back. As mom releases me from her grip and I smile at her as well.
"By the way you should get ready movie night starts in.... 15 minutes." Dad smiles and mom nods heading upstairs.
"You girls look ready. Want a quick snack before leaving?" Dad asked.
"Oh my god yes." Carmen groaned with exaggeration.
"Alright drama queen." I rolled my eyes as we follow dad to the kitchen.
I grabbed some chips out of the cupboard and leaned against the island. Carmen leaned on the other side and took a few chips from the bag.
"So when do you want to do the first test?" Dad asked referring to reciting the serpent laws.
"When can I start? I already know them." I asked .
"What are they? And hand me the paper." Dad asked.
"It's in the living room." I say truthfully.
"What's the first law?"Dad asked
"In unity there is strength." I answer and smile triumphantly.
We ran through the rest of the laws, me getting all of them correct.
"You passed the first trial, next one is retrieve a knife from a snake tank." Dad laughed.
"Yeah, I'm not so fond of that. It has to be done." I sigh with a shiver.
"You can do it tonight." Dad says.
"Ready guys!" Mom yells from the door.
"Coming Betty!" Dad call back.
"I will." I say to him and we walk out the door, heading to the serpent headquarters.
We walk into the compound to see the start of 'rebel without a cause'. We quickly take our seats and watch the movie together. When the movie ended we got up and went over to a tall pink haired woman.
"Hey Jughead, didn't think I'd be seeing your daughter in here." Aunt Toni turned around.
"Hey Aunt Toni." I said with a smile.
"She needs to go through the second part of the men's initiation." Dad answers.
"She's going through the men's initiation! You're more stupid than I thought." Toni rolled her eyes and downed a shot of dark liquid.
"Performed by women." Dad points out.
"So we gotta beat her ass?" She questions referring to the women in the gang.
"Yeah, pretty much." I say with a shrug.
"Man, she's just like you. Never give up." She smiles putting down her shot glass.
"Yeah, my daughter, my blood." Dad smiled putting his strong arm around my slim shoulders.
"Lets get the tank." Aunt Toni walks off to a guy and she points at me and my dad.
The man nods and gives her a questioning look. Aunt Toni pokes him in the chest with a pointy nailed finger. He put his hands up in means of surrender and disappeared into a door for a moment. He reappeared with a small fish tank covered by a lid and black cloth. They make they're way over to us and i involuntarily shiver.
"Alright little missy, just stick your little hand in there and pull out the knife." The burly tattooed man explains and I nod. I look at the now uncovered tank with a rattler snake in it.
"Remember, it's venom glands are removed." Dad let go of my shoulders.
I reached my hand in timidly and a searing pain went through my hand as it closed around the knifes worn wooden handle.
I pulled my hand out as they pried the snake off my small aching hand. I could see mom crying when I turned around to hand them the knife.
"Mom, I'm fine I promise." I put my not bleeding hand in hers.
"Good job kid. That'll take a week or two to heal and then you'll have to get beat up by me and a couple other girls. Meanwhile you get to take care of the beast." She smiles at the last part as dad sighs.
"What do you mean, beast?" I ask.
"A dog, it's tradition." Dad scoffs at Aunt Toni.
"It's a new one. A puppy this time." Toni laughs.
"Oh god, I'm allergic to dogs." I say with a sudden pang of sadness.
"In that case you get a cat." The burly tattooed man laughs walking away with the now covered tank which gives me a wash of relief.
"Yay kitty." Carmen smiles.
"Ok not so bad. When will you drop it off?" Mom ask's Aunt Toni.
"Tomorrow. Now I gotta go, see ya around." Aunt Toni smiles walking away.
"Ok time to go home." Dad says pointing at Carmen.
"My Mom will kill me if she catches me sneaking in or out. What do I do?" Carmen panics.
"She's such a hypocrite. She did the same thing when she was younger." Mom rolled her eyes and laughed.
"Really?" Carmen asks, eyes wider than an open window.
"Yep, I'll take you home." Mom grabs Carmen's hand.
"Can I go?" I ask but then wince at the contact of my hand touching my thigh.
"You better go home with dad and wrap that." Mom shakes her head.
"I'll see you tomorrow Rose." Carmen smiles.
"Yeah alright." I nod, it hurt too much to move my hand and to talk.
"Lets go our separate ways." Dad smiled as we came to the corner of our road and Carmen's road.
"Everything hurts Daddy." I say close to tears.
"Come here hunny." He says picking me up and I lay my throbbing head on his shoulder.
As we walk away I see mom and Carmen walking away as I slowly drift off into peaceful sleep.
*moments later*
"That damn snake, got you good didn't it." Dad said to himself as he wrapped up my swollen hand.
"Ow."I wince.
"Oh I thought you were asleep, sorry." He sincerely smiled.
"It's fine, you didn't bite me." I laugh a little.
"Nope, there you are kid. Wrapped up and ready to sleep." He finished with taping the gauze on my hand and kissing my forehead.
He picked me up and took me upstairs to my room. Setting me on my bed as he grabbed me some shorts and a T-shirt to sleep in.
"There you go. Im gonna leave so you can change but I'll be back with some warm tea." Dad walked out and I changed out of my street attire and into the comfortable clothes my dad picked out.
"Knock knock, you decent?" Dad asked and I responded with a small confirming noise.
"Do you want a wipe to wipe off that makeup?" Dad asked and I nodded as he handed me my steaming mug of tea.
Seconds later dad came out of my bathroom with a couple wipes and helped me wipe off my makeup.
"Hey guys, you left your bag at Carmen's." Mom said handing me my book bag.
"Thanks." I said, my voice a little rough from lack of use.
"No problem Rose." She smiles sitting next to me on my bed.
I leaned on her after dad finished wiping the remnants of my makeup off my face.
"You did great tonight Riot." Dad hugged me and whispered in my ear, he used my fictional biker name given to me by grandpa.
I smiled when he pulled away from me. We sat like that for awhile, enjoying each others company.

*3 weeks later*

"Are you sure you wanna go through with this? What if you aren't ready?" Mom riddled me with worried questions.
"My hand healed a week ago, I'm fine mom." I said getting on the back of my dad's motorcycle.
"Ok fine, I'll see you later. I love you both so very much mom said kissing my forehead and leaving for work.
Me and dad pulled out heading towards the site of my next trial. Once we arrived I got off the bike confidently, stripping off my flannel to reveal a black tank top.
"Ready?" Aunt Toni asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I said tying my flannel around my waist and walking towards the group of lined up women.
"We'll go get your jacket after this is over." Dad reassured putting a hand on my shoulder.
I looked towards him and nodded with fire in my eyes, I walked into the first punch willingly. After that I walked through more until I reached the end of the women. I turned around and wiped my aching bloody nose on the back of my small white hand. I waited for the next barrage of punches and faced it without fear of the pain. I passed the last trial.
"You're a serpent, Rose." Aunt Toni says putting a steadying hand on my swaying shoulder.
"It's Riot, Riot Jones." I state looking at my dad.
A smile spread across his face and he hugged me.
"Lets go get that jacket." Dad said as he got on his roaring motorbike.
I nodded,putting my flannel and beanie back on and getting on the motorcycle.
We sped away as I seen some of the women smile or wave. I smiled back, I was now a full fledged serpent. We pulled up to the serpent camp entrance and headed inside. As we entered dad lead me back to a tent with a man and a bunch of different jackets. I spotted a sleek black leather one that looked to be my size and I liked it. I pointed at it and my dad handed it to me. I tried it on my slim frame, it fit. I turned to dad and he proudly smiled at me.
"We're here to set up a tattoo appointment." Dad looked to the man in the chair.

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