Chapter one: the town with pep

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Roseanne POV

"Rose! Its time to get up, Carmen is here!" Mom yelled from downstairs.
She had been in fifteen minutes ago to wake me up for the first day of 10th grade, which I wasn't too happy about to be honest.
I had already gotten out of bed, brushed through my knotty black hair, got dressed in blue jeans a grey t-shirt and my jean jacket with fur lining around the collar. I was quickly putting on grey socks and doing a light make up and situating my grey slouch beanie on top of my raven hair.
Just as I perfected my winged eyeliner my best friend Carmen Andrews walked in.
"Hey Rosey, ready to leave?" She asked with a sweet voice.
"Almost, just gotta grab my laptop, camera, and book bag." I rush around the room gathering the items I mentioned.
"Okay Daddy is waiting with the car outside." Carmen smiles referring to my uncle Archie.
"Alright C lets go." I say putting on my bag.
We walk downstairs to meet my mom.
"Have a great first day girls, I wont be home after school but your dad should be there to pick you up." Mom says smiling and hugging us.
We rush out to Aunt Veronica's blue SUV that uncle Archie is currently sat in.
"Hi Daddy, Rose was running a bit late." Carmen mentions as we both get in the back seat and settle in.
"That's alright, how are you Rose?" Uncle Archie chuckled with question.
"Oh I'm doing fine, what about you?" I answer his question and return the question.
"Actually we've been doing great, the new house is great too. Has Carmen told you about her new bedroom?" He smiles, knowing all too well that Carmen would be so excited.
"That's great, congrats on the house. I bet Carmen cant wait to talk my ear off about her new room." I laugh sarcastically.
"That will have to wait bestie, we're at school." Carmen smiles and gets out of the car.
She kisses uncle Archie on the cheek and we head into the building that we usually call hell. As we walk into the main office the distinct smell of printer paper and stale coffee slapped me in the face.
"Andrews and Jones, here to get our schedules." Carmen announces smiling like always.
"Here you are ms. Carmen and ms. Rose. By the way that new boy, Izek needs a tour and you're the only one on the committee who hasn't backed out yet." The secretary, mrs. Weathers mentions with a worried glance.
"This new student will have the Roseanne Jones tour then." I smile and walking out of the office,  Carmen following closely.
We headed to our side by side lockers and unlocked them. I put my bag in my locker, along with gathering my necessary belongings for class.
"Hey there beautiful." Mathew,the captain of the football team, smiled leaning on my locker.
"Go the hell away before I crush the bones in your face." I seethed through clenched teeth.
With that I slammed and locked  my blue locker, practically running off to the student lounge. As I walked off in my speedy manor Carmen came running behind me in her black heeled boots. Once I arrived in the lounge I sat down on on of the couches provided.
"Hey Rose wait up." Carmen jogged in breathing heavily.
"Sorry Carmen." I sighed with my head in my hands.
"Its ok rosey." Carmen sat down leaning her head on my shoulder.
"Hey guys, Oh it is girl time?" My one and only crush, Jacob Minton, asked entering the room with a hesitant look on his face.
"No im just really wanting to punch Matthew in the face." I mention with a sigh leaning my head on Carmen's.
"Oh I have cookies and coffee." Jake smiles.
"You are my saviour, Minton." Carmen rushes over leaving me on the couch.
"No problem. You on the other hand will  need it when dealing with the new kid Izek." He smiles walking over to me and handing me a cookie and steaming cup.
"French vanilla whipped latte." I take a sip smiling.
"I got it right this time?" He questions on the brink of a smile.
"Indeed, chocolate cookies improve your score as well." I smiles biting into the warm, baked treat.
"The twins were supposed to be out with aunt Cheryl for weeks but, because of school their trip has been cut short and she took them to school today. I haven't seen them." I say to my friends.
"But does that mean I can stay?" Jake ask's smiling.
"My dad won't mind, moms gonna be out working late anyway." I say messaging my dad to make sure it's ok.

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