Chapter five : Gangs and an exchange student

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This chapter is for you jaemin_writes

Carmen POV

*~*~*meanwhile in the Andrews houshold*~*~*~

"We're taking in an exchange student." Mom smiled happily.
"A What?" I ask with a questioning look towards my parents.
"An exchange student from South Korea." Dad frowns.
"Come on it isn't that bad Archie." Mom smiled, her chocolate brown eyes sparkling.
"Is she in our grade?" I ask with a bit of hope.
"Yes actually." Mom replies showing me a picture of a beautiful young woman.

" Mom replies showing me a picture of a beautiful young woman

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"She's so pretty Mom. What is her name?" I ask in surprise.
"Park Jaemin." Mom answers giddily.
"When will she be here?" I question looking at more pictures of her.
"By tomorrow. She left yesterday, I told her to call me when she landed." Mom explained taking her phone back.
I nod and look at my nails. I gasp for a moment and look up hurriedly.
"Is her room even set up?" I ask with a gasp.
"We wanted you to help do that." Mom smiles.
"Yay! Daddy go to the department store and get a wooden bed frame, Mom come with me." I rush and dad chuckles leaving.
"What type of things does she like?" I ask with a notepad and pen.
"Her favourite colour is light purple and she is really into make up. Jaemin is very music focused and enjoys hanging out with others." Mom lists off all of the important things about Jaemin.
"I'm gonna text dad all the supplies I need you can show me her room." I say sending my dad a list of supplies longer than the wall of China.
Mom lead me up the grey carpeted stairs to one of our many extra rooms. She stopped at the one across from mine.
"This one will be Jaemin's." Mom pointed.
I entered the plain wooden door to see a plain white room with wooden floors.
"This is kinda plain. Is she simple or is she all over the place?" I wonder aloud.
"Very simple yet she like decorations." Mom smiles.
"Leave me to work." I laugh pushing her out of the room.

*~*~*~Jones household~*~*~*~*

Roseanne POV

"Your Aunt Veronica is accepting an exchange student into her home!" Mom smiles happily.
"Really?! Thats amazing!" Amber beamed, her smile spreading across her features like wildfire.
"What is her name, is she coming to our school, is she in our grade?" I bombarded her with questions.
"Her name is Park Jaemin and she is in your grade. She is starting Monday." Mom answered quickly.
"Does this mean we get to help Carmen decorate her room?" Amber asked excitedly.
"Actually Veronica just messaged saying Carmen needs help." Mom nods.
"Wanna head over there now?" I ask Amber.
"Definently." Amber nodded with a smile.
"Should I come?" Jake ask's looking between me and my dad.
"No, actually you have bodyguard training." Dad answers for him.
"Oh, Alright Mr. Jones." Jake nods at my dad.
"Kid. You can call me Jughead." Dad chuckled.
"Oh, Alright Mr. Jughead." Jake nodded again.
"Oh god."  Dad mumbled under his breath shaking his head.
"Meet at the front door in ten?" I look to amber and she nods.
"Ok ten." Amber rushes to her room.

*ten minutes later~ sponge bob narrator*

"Amber hurry the hell up!" I yell from the front door.
"One minute!" She yells back quickly.
I waited patiently for about ten more minutes then got slightly irritated and stood up from my slouch against the door frame.
"Rose!" Amber yelled and I sighed.
"What the hell!" I yelled back.
"I'm texting Carmen!" She called back and I headed her way begrudgingly.
"Well?" I questioned snappily.
"Alright snappy." Amber giggles handing over her phone.
"Looks like she really needs us." I nod looking thru the messages between my cousin and best friend.
"Yeah. Especially you." Amber added.
"Let's hurry up then Amber." I point emphasising her name.
"Alright alright." She nods slowly picking up her brown leather bag.
"Finally." I groaned under my breath.
Amber looks at me and flips her blonde hair sassily.
"Wow." I say sarcastically as we make our way out of the house.
"I know. It's breathtaking." Amber laughed, the corners of her eyes crinkling.

*~*skip to the the Andrews household*~*

"Purple is a her color?" Amber asked as we watched uncle Archie paint the walls a soft lavender.
"Yep. She also like simple things." Carmen mentioned looking at her yellow notepad.
"I have yellow wallpaper so.... don't ask me for advice on anything important." I sigh.
"Why yellow?" Carmen ask's with a look of disgust.
"I don't even care why." I stated blatantly.
"Oh. I should fix your room too." Carmen giggles.
"When is this girl supposed to be here again?" Amber interrupted.
"Tomorrow." Carmen states quietly.
"Wait what?" I turn to her in bewilderment.
"You're supposed to get this done?" Amber ask's with a shocked look.
"Yep." She nods stacking some books onto a box.
"This is an all night project." We sigh in unison.

I made that edit and then realised how much I screwed it up
Not saying I hate Barchie but
I. Hate. Barchie.
Bughead is endgame 💕🖤
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~ Author

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