Chapter 11: airy falsetto

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'This act of pretending is really draining...' Rose thinks exhaustedly 

"You okay?"  Jake asks, Amber looking over his shoulder expectantly.

'Tired." She simply answered.

The look on Amber's face was enough to send chills down your spine, but Rose was unphased by it. She didn't believe her, at all. This all made Carmen suspicious, of what she didn't exactly know yet. They were on to her, she had to do something.

"I feel sick." the girl lied through her teeth. 

It wasn't a permanent solution, but after finding out additional information from listening to their conversations while she 'slept' made her feel like they truly didn't trust her. Even if they didn't Rosanne was determined. The girl wanted to be knowledgeable and for that she needed to play dumb, so that she would do. It wasn't going to be easy that much she knew. Hopefully, she thought, this will be over.


"Rose? You look pale, do you want some food?" Betty asked.

Roseanne looked at her mother, she knows that she might also possibly didn't know about the drugs, gangs, and other things, but she wasn't taking any chances. 

"I'm okay, but if you want you can still make food," Rose replied.

"Amazing!" Her mother smiled brightly at the response.

Amber came waltzing down the hall, the smile on her face never faltering. Jaemin and Carmen followed and sat at the table with Rose. The girl couldn't deny Jaemin was such a nice girl she couldn't help, but be friends with her. They had all grown closer, which leads Rose to believe they were starting to trust her finally. She hopes that much at least. The possibility of them not trusting her at all still hung in the air. 

"Wanna hang out later? I'm thinking of throwing a rager at the old barn." Amber revealed.

This act of trust gave Rose hope. "Of course, I just need to get ready." She replied happily.

"Awesome!" Jaemin smiled widely, her eyes shaped like small crescents.

"There isn't an official dress code or anything, but wear something badass," Carmen smirked.

"Gotcha." Rose nodded.

"See you later, this girl has no good clothes for a party so we are shopping today." Carmen pointed to Jaemin.

"See you." Rose nodded as they got up and left.

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