Chapter 8: Not the way it was

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"I hope you're right about this Amber." He breathed before I dozed off.

I woke up faxed and aching from the way I slept.

"Good morning." Jake murmured from the love seat, his nose in a paperback book about trees.

"Um .. what's going on?"

"Nothing?" He gives me a questioning look.

"You're reading and my mom let you stay over. What's going on?" I repeated to him.

"Shit." He blatantly cursed.

"And now the truth comes out." I roll my eyes with a yawn.

"I'm sorry, Amber said if you didn't know you'd be safe..." Jake admitted.

"Jake, I'm a big girl and don't need you constantly worried of I'm safe or not." I remind him, once again.

"It's just, Carmen arced with her and I just... I'm sorry but you have to stay here." Jake pleaded weakly.

"Tell me everything "

"And you can't tell Amber I told you!" Jake warned.

"Why would I tell her?" I asked wish a serious look.

"I don't know." He sighed.

"It's our secret." I assured with a creeping feeling.

"Yeah, secret."  Jake agreed with a huge nod.

I should be lying if I said I wasn't nervous one on edge.


SO... quick disclaimer, i totally forgot about this story

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