Chapter Seven: From behind chainlink fences

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I began to think hard for a  second and felt myself being picked up off the couch.

'this cannot be happening!' I cried in my head.

Jake carried me out of the living room and into the brisk night air. I tried not to shiver as much, but it seemed impossible. Then I was carried into what I presumed to be my house.

"Feel asleep?" I heard mom ask Jake.

"Oh yeah, out like a light after all that remodelling we did. I'll just carry her up to her room." He nodded and spoke softly.

"Okay, you feel like staying? Me and Jug have some stuff to handle, but we could always use the extra security." She asks.

"Okay, any where I can sleep?" Kale asked.

"Just in her room, I need you to keep her safe." Mom responded

"I will, goodnight Mrs.Jones." He waved as he acsends the stairs

"It's Betty!" She calls back with a smile on her words.

He chuckled lightly and opened my bedroom door. Jake wanted over and sat me on my bed. He took off my shoes and jacket without 'waking me'. I just let him cover me up and he layed on the love seat. I could feel his eyes on me the whole night until I finally fell asleep.

"I hope you're right about this Amber." He breathed before I dozed off.


So I'm back...

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