Chapter three: the girl with the snake tattoo

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Roseanne POV


"We're here to set up a tattoo appointment." My dad said to the man in the chair.

*next day*

I was currently sat in the living room of my home. An ice pack on my swollen eye and a leather jacket on my shoulders. I was waiting for my dad to get back so we could leave to get my tattoo.
"I'm home Rose!" Dad called and I got up putting the ice pack down onto the glass coffee table carefully.
"I'm in the living room!" I say as I hear a pair of boot clad feet come into the room.
"I take care of the ice pack and you get ready for your appointment." Dad commanded and I nodded walking off, up to my room to get ready.
I entered my bathroom and did my makeup, covering the angry purple bruise.
I did quick eyeshadow,eyelashes and a shade of dark red lipstick. I take off my hat to rake my hands through my wavy black hair, resituating my beanie on my head and slipping on my black combat boots.
I walk downstairs to see my dad leaning on the staircase, waiting.
"Hey I'm ready to go." I say tying my flannel around my waist.
"Alright let's roll." He answered walking out the door.
We got on his motorcycle and drove to the tattoo parlour to get my serpent tattoo. We stopped at a beaten up building on the south side. Dad guided me into the shop holding my hand with a quite vice grip. I wriggled my fingers and he shot me an apologetic look and loosened his grip.
I sat in the tattoo chair dad directed me to, a women covered in tattoos walking over.
"What're ya gettin and where do ya want it?" She asked with a yawn.
"Serpent tattoo, on the left wrist please." I answered as I heard some people walk in.
I turned to see a couple serpents including Jake and my mom standing there.
"Hey guys I thought you were gonna be late." Dad waved them over.
"What was that missy, all this racket." The tattoo artist waved her hand around.
"This." Another serpent handed the woman a perfectly drawn design of the serpent tattoo.
"Where?" She asked readying her tattoo gun.
"My left wrist." I say, pointing to the area.
"Alrighty then." She said putting a stencil on my wrist.
I held Jakes hand as he assumed his position on the chair next to me. My dad backed up and everyone watched as I squeezed Jake's hand while the lady tattooed my wrist. At some point I almost cried because it hurt so bad but Jake just looked into my eyes and I felt like everything was gonna be alright and he kissed my forehead as the woman continued the tattoo.
"You're doing great, Rose." My dad said with mom leaning on his shoulder and aunt Toni standing next to him.
I nodded and just like that, I had a tattoo.
It was treated with anti biotic ointment and wrapped in clear tattoo wrap.
"Alrighty my serpent child, what do you want to do now as a full fledged serpent, tattoo and all?" Dad asked.
"I want to go to pop's and get a milkshake." I laughed leaning my head on Jake's  shoulder as I hugged him.
"You did great today man." He rubbed my back and we separated the hug and I got on my dad's motorcycle with him as we rode to pop's. In no time flat me and my dad were at pops with a couple other people, mostly serpents or friends. I ordered my vanilla milkshake to go and went home with my dad, feeling like a champion. I had a tattoo, and a milkshake.
"Why don't you drive it back to the house?" My dad asked Jake pointing to the motorcycle.
"I could walk her home, I'm not too good at driving a motorcycle." Jake  admitted shyly.
"Ok then, but you better learn soon. You're  joining a biker gang, it's a good idea to know how to ride a motorcycle." My dad pointed out, getting on the motorbike and headed home.
"You can't drive a motorcycle?" I asked once my dad was out of sight and we were walking down the sidewalk.
"I do but I wanted to walk home with you." He smiled as I took a sip of my vanilla shake.
"Oh I see, player." I laugh and take another sip of my shake.
"Yeah I guess I am s bit of a player." He smiled reaching his arm around my shoulders and I leaned into his side.
"A little?" I ask almost laughing.
"Maybe a lot, but it pays off." He says.
"How?" I ask, genuinely confused.
"It gets the pretty girls." He states matter-o-factly.
"Oh really?" I say with a challenging look on my face.
"I hope it does." He says but I can't make out the rest of what he says.
"What was that last part?" I stop walking.
"I said I hope it does because if not, how am I supposed to get you?" He says and I lean in to kiss him.
I set down my shake and he holds my waist loosely in his large hands. We kiss for what feels like an eternity, standing on the side of the road. I gently smile breaking away from the kiss to catch my breath.
"We should probably get going, don't want your dad to think  you got kidnapped or something." Jake smiles and I pick up my shake.
We walk hand in hand to my house, walking in sync, not saying a word. As we walk up my driveway I pull my hand away from his, in fear that my father might cut his off. We walk in the door to see a couple of people and my parents sitting and talking in the living room.
"I'm home!" I call from the door, Jake not far behind me.
"Hey there kiddo, how does the tattoo feel?" Aunt Toni asks.
"It feels like I've been scratched by a cat, bit by a snake and stabbed. All at the same time." I say with a slight grimace as a pang of surprisingly painful throbbing comes from my wrist.
"Well that's s way of saying it." Dad laughed from the doorway.
"You want an aspirin honey?" Mom asked and I shake my head.
"I'm not gonna need aspirin when I'm a serpent. Im strong and this was my choice." I say proudly, seeing my dad look at me proudly.
I've made my dad so proud by going through the same thing he has and handling it l better than him.
"We're here for the cat." A tall man with a cage says.
"I'll gladly get that demon for you." I say walking off to find it in the kitchen, drinking out of its water bowl.
I pick it up by the soft grey neck hair and carry it back to the man.
"Here you go..." I hand the cat over not sure of the mans name.
"Diego. Thank you ms.Rose." He says politely locking the cage.
"No problem, that thing is a menace." I wave my hand in a gesture that refers to it not being a problem.
Some of them left and mom started dinner. Im still not fully aware of what it is since I'm in my bedroom listening to music with Jake talking about random things.
"We seriously need a hobby." Jake  laughs.
"You mean you need a hobby. Im a writer." I state with a small laugh.
"Sure whatever you say Stephen King." He rolls his eyes laughing.
"He is in fact a lot better at writing than me." I admit.
"Ok, you win this time Jones." He looks at me with his twinkling dark eyes.
"Dinner time!" Mom called from downstairs and I paused my music.
Taking my phone and Jake downstairs, we head to the dining room. We sit down at opposite sides of the wooden kitchen table as we all dig into my favourite, meaty pasta with out the tomato sauce. For some odd reason it is my favourite. I take a bite of my noodles and look around the table at everyone. I take a drink and quickly finish my food. As I finish so does dad and Jake.
We wait until mom is don and then we clear the table and I head to do the dishes.
"Nuh uh. No dishes until your tattoo fully heals." Dad stops me before I do anything.
"Oh fine." I pout standing back as Jake moves to help my mom wash the dishes.
"Thank you Jacob." Mom smiles his way.
"No problem mrs.Jones." Jake answers.
My dad directs me out of the kitchen.
"Can we watch a movie?" I ask sweetly.
"Of course, Rose. What'll it be?" He smiled warmly.
"That one werewolf movie." I mention, him instantly knowing which one and he plugged in his laptop to the HDMI on the tv. He turned it on through his laptop and it showed up on the screen. I took off my jacket and hung it on the rack. I leaned onto my dad and watched my favourite movie, knowing I was gonna fall asleep. Which I did not too long after the movie started, dozing off into a seemingly endless sleep.

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