Chapter four: motorbikes and milkshakes

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Roseanne POV

"Roseanne Jones, please report to the principals office immediately." Mrs. Weathers droned over the intercom.
I groaned, getting out of my seat and walking out with my belongings. Walking down the hall to meet my fate in the main office.
"Ms. Jones. We're expecting you." Principal Richards confronted me as he stepped out of  his office.
"No, you just paged me over intercom for no reason." I replied sarcastically with an eye roll.
"My office, now!" Principal Richards pointed, slightly raising his voice.
I walk into the room I've been into many times, sitting in the farthest most chair to the wall.
"What am I down here for anyway?" I ask, genuinely questioning why I was down there.
"You're waiting to get picked up." He answers writing something down on a piece of blank white paper.
"Can I go get my bag?" I ask awkwardly.
"Hurry." Principal Richards glared at me from behind his wire framed glasses.
I rush out and down the hall texting Jake on my way to my locker.

Rose🌹: dude im apparently getting picked up
Jake🐍: by who???
Rose🌹: idk
Jake🐍: oh great
Jake🐍: you got your switchblade or pocket knife?
Rose🌹: yea I'm not stupid Jake
Jake🐍: Never said you were
Jake🐍: love you❤️
Rose🌹: love you too❤️
Jake🐍: wya anyway???
Rose🌹: at my locker getting my bag
Jake🐍: Omw

I smiled, clicking the power button and swinging my bag onto my shoulder. Just as I shut and locked my locker, Jake came jogging down the hall. I ran up to him and hugged him.
"Miss me?" He asks picking me up, carrying me towards the principals office.
"Slightly." I smile and kiss his cheek.
We reach the main office and Jake carefully sets me on the marbled flooring of the bleak hallway.
"I'll be waiting." He smiled opening the door for me as I enter the Principals office slowly.
"Ms. Jones, your pickup is waiting in the main office. Have a nice weekend." Principal Richards waved me away as he stacked his papers into a neat pile.
I quickly walk out and meet Jake, who is as promised waiting. I softly grip his hand as we enter yet another room. Then I see my mom in her serpent jacket. I instantly panic and run over.
"What's wrong mom?" I rush the question worriedly.
"Nothing. We gotta go, Jake you too." Mom shook her head and pointed out the door.
We rush to the parking lot, to the bikes.
"I'm with your dad so you'll have to ride with Jake." Mom explained tossing my helmet over and sliding hers on.
"Where are we headed." Jake asked getting on the bike.
"Serpents camp." Dad said and a flashing look of perplexity slid across Jakes face for just a sliver of a moment.
"I'll drive." I climb onto the motorbike and sliding on my helmet.
Jake almost objects but gets on the bike, he puts his helmet on carefully and sighs. We ride to the serpent camp, stopping our bikes and parking them in our reserved parking spots.
"What are we doing here?" I ask putting my helmet on Jakes bike slowly.
"There's something we need to discuss in the safety of our headquarters." Dad said, I knew something was up right then and there.
I nodded unsteadily and walked in, hand in hand with Jake. I gripped his hand tightly, but he payed no mind and showed no sign of protest.
"Ms. Jones." A familiar voice said from behind me.
"Wha- grandpa?" I stutter, my tone changing as I turn around.
"Hey, Riot. How's the jacket fit?" He smiled gesturing to my shoulders.
I rush up to him, wrapping my arms tightly around his toned torso.
"It fits great." I whisper into his broad shoulder.
We separate from our long overdue hug.
"Does she know?" Grandpa turns to dad with a slight look of shock.
"I-she- no. She doesn't." Dad stuttered with a look of shame washing over his features.
"Dad what's going on?" I ask tensing up defensively.
"I didn't want this to be how you found out, but Rosey, we need to talk." Dad pulled me over to one of the tables set up near us.
"Daddy?" I ask in an unfamiliarly scared tone. "What the hell?" I ask gripping Jakes hand and I looked at them with the straightest face I could pull off.
"Maybe just stay with Carmen or Jake for a week or two, until we fix this." Dad explained with a shaking voice.
"Dad." My voice wavered as I reached my free hand across the table."Fix what dad?" I asked holding onto his hand.
"Were leaving town for e few days. If we don't they'll kill you, or worse." Mom cried a single tear dropped from her eye.
"Who?" I ask, hurt that she'd choose someone else over me.
"It isn't of any importance." Mom said as tears cascaded down her cheeks.
"No you can't leave me. Im only 16. Mom. Dad. I swear to ever loving Jesus, if you leave me I will look for you." I feel a lump rise in my throat.
"We love you too much to lose you. So if we can't make our plan work, don't come looking for us." Mom cried harder leaning into dad's shoulder.
"You won't lose me. We stick together, family sticks together. I can't do it without you." I choke out, it's getting harder for me to form sentences and I start to get light headed.
"We will stick together. We will be back Rose." Dad says, I hear his voice crack.
"I know you will, because you aren't leaving." I say, tears threatening to escape.
I squeeze my dad's hand tightly as my vision darkens at the corners of my sight.
"I cant breathe." I wheeze loosening my grip falling into Jake on my left.
My parents look at me with equally worried faces. I grab my dad's arm as I attempt to put myself back into an upright position.
"She's having a damn panic attack." My dad says and grandpa comes to my side.
"Damn it." I groan as my world goes in and out of darkness.
"I'm right here baby. Right here."Dad places my hand on his chest and I grasp onto the collar of his jacket, my breathing ragged and fading.
I stand up and rush away to the quietest place I know. I make my way to the old jacket room that is now used as an extra space. Jake followed shortly after and I lean against him.
"Jake." I look up into his dark eyes with desperation.
He puts his arm under me as , slowly putting my head onto his chest.
"What? Are you okay Rose?" He brushes my bangs from my eyes.
"I love you." I whisper into his chest.
He pulls me closer and all I feel is jakes soft lips on mine as my salty tears collide with our conjoined lips. I gasp as we separate, my shaking hands attach themselves to his leather jacket.
"Rose." Jake says as I close my eyes for just a moment.
"I love you." I whisper, opening my eyes for what seems to be the very first time.
"I love you too Rose ." Jake whispers into my hair as he hugs me.
"Are you okay?" Jake asks as I move to sit on his lap.
"They can't leave." I put my hand into his.
"I know Rose." Jake rubbing comforting circles onto my back.
"We need to go out there. They're probably worried." I say, barely raising my voice to a whisper
"Rampants?" I question with a strange look written across my pale features.
"A rival gang that wants the serpents gone." Dad explained as I leaned back into Jake's broad chest.
"So all we need is fire power." I say softly grabbing Jakes hand.
"Indeed, more fire power than we have access to." Mom wipes away a few stray tears from my face.
"With the help of a couple old friends, we might just get it." I nod as dad explains his plan.
"Who?" I look at grandpa immediately.
"Some of the old time serpents are finding the time to guard all entrances to Riverdale.  The poisons will help and the plan that will work but your parents are convinced will fail." Grandpa scoffs, rolling his eyes and smiling at me.
"What the hell? Mom, Dad that plan is great. Patrol the trails,backroads,entry points. None left unprotected." I say tilting my head at them.
"Fine. High security on you though. I'm talking bodyguard 24 hours a day." Dad pointed out with a meaningful look on his face.
"I volunteer as tribute." Jake raises his muscular arm as he puts the other around me.
"That will work, but can you fight?" Dad looked him up and down.
"Yes sir." Jake nods.
"Sorry to break up, what ever this is,but I'm hungry." I stated looking between the two men.
"Your first test." Dad stated seriously .
"Enough." I get up and walk to Jakes bike slowly.
"I'll drive this time!" Jake called after me with a smile.
"Whatever you say." I roll my eyes, sliding on my helmet.
Jake gets onto the motorbike and I copy his actions, sliding my arms around his waist. We rode to Pop's which didn't take as long as I interpreted. Stopping at a parking space near the door I took off my helmet.
"M'lady." Jake laughed holding out his hand.
I rolled my eyes getting off the bike with the support of his arm.
"I'm not a princess." I laugh.
"Well actually, you are. You're the daughter of the serpent king." Jake pointed out opening the door of the diner with his free hand.
"Good point Jake." I laugh walking through the door to a booth that was clear of teenage gossip clubs.
"Ladies first." Jake smirked bowing slightly.
"I'm killing for a vanilla shake and some fries!" I groan, sliding my fingers through my hair.
"I'm on it Rose." Jake patted my head and went over to a waitress quickly. He pointed towards me and the waitress wrote down a couple things on her yellow note pad.
"Hey there Jakey." I smiled poking his nose.
"Our food is on the way." He licked my finger and I scrunched my nose slightly.
"Pop's is a wonderful place. Sadly I can't live here ,though the thought crossed my mind." I pointed out with a sigh.
"I don't want to have to surgically remove you from this booth." Jake chuckled jokingly.
"You might just have to. I'm feeling pretty tired after that panic attack." I mention.
"I'll just have to carry you then." Jake said.
Moments later our waitress arrived with our food. We thanked her and ate our food peacefully while joking and sharing laughs.
"This was great." I say as we exit the diner.
"I hope your dad thinks I'm good enough to be your bodyguard." Jake laughs.
"You're more than good. Hell you're on the weight lifting squad, you're more than capable." I flash a reassuring glance towards my unofficial boyfriend.
"Ok, Whatever you say." He said putting his black helmet on.
I copy his actions and get on the back of the motorbike.

Hours later

Me and Jake sat on my bottom bunk against the wall cuddling. While I typed away about a girl on a motorcycle journey as a werewolf, Jake gave helpful suggestions.
"Rose. Family meeting downstairs." Dad knocked on my open door.
"Be down in a minute." I nod, closing my Mac book and getting out of bed.
"Should I come?" Jake asked.
"Sure. I think it's about the bodyguard test anyway." I shrug pulling some socks onto my cold feet.
We walked down the stairs onto the living room to find Amber and Jason, sitting side by side on the second couch.
"Hey, Amber." I wave at my cousins as we sit opposite to them.
"Hey, What are you doing tomorrow? Party at thistle house, wouldn't want you to miss it." Amber asked flashing one of her trademark beautiful smiles.
"I'm free, we'll be there. Dress code fancy or no?" I ask and Jason shakes his head.
"Casual is fine. Bring Carmen, she heightens all of the parties she goes to." Jason mentions.
"Sorry to interrupt anything but family meeting has started." Mom comes in with dad, sitting on the couch together.
"We have decided that there is going to be max security on the house itself and Rose." Dad states.
"Who's guarding the house?" Amber asked curiously.
"The pretty poisons are guarding the house and the serpents are patrolling the town." Mom answers calmly.
"What about my bodyguard." I ask.
"Your bodyguard will be decided among the few serpents at your school, including Jake." Dad clarifies.
"Ok, are we allowed to leave the house or not?" Jason asks.
"Yes, you're allowed to leave the house. No one out after midnight with out proper protection though." Dad nods.
"Okay." Me and Amber share a sigh of relief.
"What's the test for the bodyguards?" Jake asks.
"A fight and written test." Dad says and Jake nods.
"When is it?" I ask.
"On Saturday at 5:00 p.m sharp. Anyone who doesn't show up won't be the bodyguard." He answers.
"Now that's cleared up, we have an announcement." Mom smiles looking to dad.


What's the announcement??? Find out in the next chapter
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