Chapter 9: as it is or as it was?

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"So....there is a huge underground crime ring and Veronica bought Jaemin from some rich Koreans?" I started at Jake in disbelief.

"Well actually yeah. She adopted Jaemin with money for them in return.... if that makes sense?" Jake nodded.

"No actually, it doesn't make any sense Jake. Thanks for nothing." I internally grained at the stupidity of the boy I liked.

"Sorry?" He blushed sheepishly.

"It's  whatever. I guess I will have to figure this mystery out by my self this time, huh?" I stated aloud.

"Amber can not know that I told you any of this." Jake preceded to tell me.

"Yeah yeah yeah, you said that. Twice. Once again you have warned me, thank you kind sir but I will still tread into the unknown." I gave an unenthusiastic salute in sarcastic response.

He looked at me slightly offended, or something. I had no idea why they tried hiding something like this from me, it isn't even that big of a deal. Honestly.

Amber POV

"So....we just...wait?" I asked Carmen as we sat in the darkly lit parking area, seemingly designed to frighten people who parked there in order to make them leave.

"Uh- Well yeah, in shirt we just wait until she gets here in her uber." Carmen nodded, as if what they were doing made sense.

"How exactly is taking Jaemin going to do anything for your parents and the mobs relations..." I asked quietly.

"Come on, I'm tired. Please stop asking so many damn questions Amber." Carmen yawned and owned her head against the steering wheel.

"Okay, can I atleast drive? You seem like you have a bit of a head ache." I pointed out gently.

"Yeah actually, thanks." Carmen nodded in surprise at my willingness to do things for her.

"No problem." I smiled as she started to unbuckle and climb out of the driver's seat.

I quickly got it and seated myself into her seat with ease. Which allowed for her to sleep, and that seemed much needed at that point for her.

"You know, you're not actually that bad..." Carmen trailer off as she started to actually fall asleep.

I nodded looking out over the posting area waiting for the black car to pull up. This  shouldn't be too hard after this.

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