t h i r t y - t h r e e

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It was uncomfortable. He was just staring at us, and honestly I think he had a thing for Emma or something. She reached for my hand underneath the island, I met her half way, she brought our hands onto her lap.

The man watched us intently. I started glaring back at him. "So. Married how long?"

"Six months," I said sternly, not looking away.

"Exciting," he murmured. "How long have you been together total?"

"Dude what is your deal?" I asked. Emma squeezed my hand.

"Three years, marked in March," she answered

"You don't say."

"What do you need Mr..."

"Mr. Grant," he finished. "I am just here on behave of a friend, actually you might know him."

"Does he have a name?"

"Peter Banks, he said her knew a Charlotte Watson." I froze at his words. Emma shot me a concerned look, this man wasn't fully informed. I was Peter Banks' daughter. "He just wanted me to track ya down," he grabbed the cup in front of him.

I knew what was happening. 'Track' me down. A grey suit fitting him nicely, combed back hair. His personality screaming hit man. "I'm glad he's still friendly," I lied through my teeth. "My wife and I," I gestured between us, "we must get going, I am afraid we had a date we needed to get too."

"I'm sure it could wait a few minutes."

"It really cannot Mr... what'd you say it was again? Grand? Sir it cannot wait, I am afraid reservations are like that. I'm sure a man of your nature knows all about it."

"Of course, I could drop later?" Though it wasn't posed as a question more of he was going to do it regardless.

"Of course, we'll be back around eight," Emma added. She squeezed my hand, she was scared. "Come on darling, we must get going."

"What the hell was all of that?!" Emma asked once we were in her car. "We are married? We have a date? What's going on?" My hands tightened on the steering-wheel. "Charlotte."

I leaned over the seat kissing her, "just shut up for a second alright." I leaned back in my seat, my father was out of jail? He knew where I was, he knew I was adopted.

"Okay. Okay." I breathed out for a second and went on, "Peter Banks, is my father, and that man in there was a hit man or something. My father isn't rather friendly Emma."


"My father knows everything, he knows where we are, how found me."

"Wasn't be in jail?"

"He knows people. Part of the reason I was never adopted because I would be safer in any orphanage." We were far from her house, and I was still on edge he could've followed his, but I knew he wouldn't. He'd drop back around eight. "We can't go back there, I hope you know. You can't call anyone, I can't. He wanted me alone. He got you."


"We have to go somewhere he wouldn't know about," I said, looking over at her. She was staring at the windshield, thinking. "I'm sorry."

"No. Don't be sorry," she looked at me, I held her gaze. "But if we are going to die, then I guess I won't wait to do this." I was stunned for a second, she leaned over and kissed me, hard. She climbed onto my lap. Her hair creating a curtain over us, her hands found my neck, mine found her waist.

I will spare the details... not very kid friendly..

hey besties, my fingers hurt from playing the guitar too much, but i don't wanna stop. I don't wanna stop besties, please help. Anyways are Emma and Charlotte finna die? ion

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