【s i x t e e n】

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I got home later that day, and I was still upset, Emma had called and told me to go straight home- no I didn't answer the fucking phone call- she texted me. I slammed the door shut as soon as I got home, I knew that it wasn't smart but I didn't care.

I couldn't understand how Olivia went all this time without exploding, I think the only time I was this mad was when Mina almost stepped on Emily. But Emma came strutting in looking just as pissed as myself.

"Where the hell did you go?" she demanded, "You are seventeen you have a phone, you could've called. There was a woman here twenty minutes ago, she was checking in on how the adoption was doing! Are you that unhappy here?" Her voice softens, huh?

"What? I didn't say anything, I like it here, what are you talking about?" I asked, slowly approaching her.

"Someone called her and told her you were unhappy here, that you were acting out, you were failing your classes, that I- I hit you," Emma choked.

"Emma I didn't, I swear it, I like it here," I slowly wrapped my arms around her, "I swear to you I would never do that, I'll call Mina and clear it up with her okay?" I said, resting my head on top of hers. She was crying, it wasn't a heavy cry but, it was enough to sort of shatter my heart a little bit.

It took awhile calming her down, and when she finally did I called Mina to see if she knew anything. "What is my little troublemaker," she sounded kind of annoyed, but I missed her so I let it slide.

"Hey, I am calling because someone placed a complaint that Emma was hitting me, do you know who?" I asked, looking at Emma.

"Is she?"

"No," I said sternly, "never, do you know who it was?"

"Let me check," I could hear her flipping through papers, "Some kid named Ryan at your school, he said 'she came to school with a bruise one time, her mother has quite the temper' is that true?"

"No! One of his stupid friends punched me after I punched him, it's not important, is there anyway we can prove this wasn't true?"

"Well, if you willingly say she didn't do it, then I supposed the adoption agency would just have to take your word for it, Emma doesn't have a violent past, and it's an added bonus she's famous. Most people believe that famous people wouldn't hurt their children, which some don't but there are cases, whatever that doesn't matter. As long as she isn't hitting you, you should be fine," she spoke. I sighed.

"Alright, Mina have a good Christmas," I said.

"Take care kiddo," then the phone clicked.

"Emma you are fine, alright, it was Ryan, he's an ass," I said, setting the phone down. The rest of the day consisted of the both of just watching movies, with Olivia, at some point she came back downstairs after a nap.

"I low-key love you Charlie, I can't believe I am watching Frozen!" she screamed.

"Alright maybe someone needs to take you off of the drugs," I joked, grabbing the popcorn from her.

"No, stop I am being serious I love you! you are the bestest friend, oh and Emma my god you are hot, I mean it, so does C over here, she like-" I shoved popcorn into her mouth, letting out a nervous chuckle. Earning a playful smile from Emma before she grabbed the popcorn from me.

"Ha ha someone is clearly still loopy," I laughed, out of the corner of my eye I saw something move, "Emily!" I squealed, "Come here you little bugger," I jumped out, racing towards her. "Ha.Ha can't get away from Momma that easily now," I held her up.

"How is she still even alive?" Emma asked, laughing.

"take that back now," I asked, with my best hurt voice, "it's okay Emily she didn't mean it."

"You're crazy," Emma laughed, I went back, joining them on the couch, with Emily of course.

I am so happy here..

Adopted by Emma Watson.Where stories live. Discover now