1. Little white lie

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As Catherine lay in a hospital bed hooked up to a drip and sleeping Baro just sat with her holding her hand softly trying so hard not to cry, he needed to be strong for her. His closest friend had endured a 12 hour torture of being beaten, cut and burned by her boyfriend Jake, he'd now gone on the run and the police were looking for Jake and there was a police guard outside the door just incase Jake came by to try and do more harm."Everything is gonna be different now Catherine I promise!" Baro said to his sleeping friend he'd not let go of her hand since he had got into the room to sit with her over a hour prior. Sanduel, Jinyoung, CNU and Gongchan were all sat outside they didn't really know what to do with themselves right now. None of them had ever experienced domestic violence either themselves or known anybody who had been through it until now. Why didn't they see the signs? They could of helped before it got to this, Gongchan couldn't take it anymore he walked out of the hospital into the parking lot in the middle of a thunderstorm and he screamed at the top of his lungs until it physically hurt him to continue screaming. He fell to his knees and began to cry, Jinyoung found him there crying and knelt by his side and comforted Gongchan. But what happened to bring them all here that night, well we need to go back in time to see where this all began.--------------------------A few weeks earlier"Hey what happened to your arm?" Sandeul asked Catherine looking at her bandaged arm. "I sprained it at work." Catherine said carrying on like it was no big deal. "Go sit down I'll finish up here okay?" Sandeul said helping her out he didn't like to see her do things when she was in no real state to really. Then Baro walked in and saw her sitting there, He had known Catherine all his life and seeing the bandage worried him a little, Catherine wasn't the clumsy type so he went and sat with her. "Is there anything you want?" He asked her just to see if she needed cheering up at all, "I'll be fine Baro, you're here now." She said with a smile, there wasn't many men that Catherine could trust and Baro was definitely one of them, they were lifelong friends and the bond that they had was a strong one, it was that good Baro even made sure Jake was good enough for her before their relationship even started to get serious at all. "You'll always have me I'll never leave you." Catherine smiled and cuddled up on Baro's chest and listened to his heart beating it always made her happy and she fell asleep within a few minutes.A little while later Catherine woke up and decided to go home, she hugged Baro goodbye and went back to her place. When she got in she could hear Jake on the phone to someone, "I'll talk later G the misses is home." He said ending the call and going to see her. "Hey baby." He said looking at her arm and seeing the bandage and then saying "What did you tell Baro?" Catherine looked at her boyfriend and said "That I sprained it." She replied feeling a bit cautious around him right now, "Good he doesn't need to know that I had to punish you for being a little bitch." He said rolling eyes at her as she just stood there, Catherine tried to walk away but Jake grabbed her other arm and said sternly "you just be damn grateful that I didn't break your arm." This scared Catherine and she said "Okay please Jake just let go Baro doesn't know I promise." Jake let her go and then he said "Good! By the way be ready tonight we will be having sex when I get home later and you will enjoy it, is that clear bitch?" Cat looked at him and said "Yes Jake." He kissed her and demanded "Oh, by the way wear the red nightdress when I come in so I can rip it off of you?" He glared at her and then Catherine said "Yes." Then he went to leave and he said like he was an actual caring boyfriend "I love you." And then he left. Catherine was shaken up a bit but she did what Jake told her to do and put the nightdress on and waited for him to come home. Around a few hours later she got the text from Jake "Be ready to be fucked hard I'm on the way home." She quickly replied "yes." And stood by the door waiting for Jake.10 minutes later Jake walked in the door and saw Catherine there in the nightdress and he got excited as he walked to her he said "Good girl." And picked her up and took her to there bedroom, he laid her down on the bed and took the dress off of her to see her naked body he undressed himself and they had a 4 minute foreplay session before he entered her and thrusted inside of her missionary style. Catherine knew what to do now yes she already felt pleasures but for Jake she had to be very vocal so he could be seen as the big man to all the neighbours for being able to make his girlfriend moan louder than anyone else. So Catherine gave Jake exactly what he wanted she didn't want another injured arm or for Baro to worry when he had no need to. Jake soon finished and was laying back on his side of the bed. "That was good." He said looking at her "It was." Catherine said smiling sweetly at him, "Good girl." Jake said as he put his hand around her throat and angrily said "If you want it to stay that way you say nothing to Baro or I'll kill you do you understand?" Catherine's eyes wide open she said "Yes Jake I understand." He smiled and let her throat go and got back on his side of the bed and then they both fell asleep. Catherine didn't understand why Jake had to be like this he was so kind, sweet and caring at the start but several months into the relationship things turned sour and he started to get abusive towards her. Of course she took the threat of him killing her seriously she wouldn't put it past him he might go after Baro too and that was the last thing she wanted but Jake still loves her and she knows he can be a good guy and he could treat her well and she had no intention of leaving Jake she just wished he didn't have to be the way he was with her. As she closed her eyes a tear rolled down her cheek and she dreamed of the boyfriend she had when he was the caring guy that she once knew.

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