3. Bruised body broken heart

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Two weeks had passed since Catherine and Baro had seen each other it wasn't like her at all to do that, But now Baro knew what Jake was capable of he was pretty sure it was Jake's doing and not Catherine's.

Catherine finally came round to see everybody that Tuesday and they were all worried about her they really were. The moment she got in she just cuddled up with Baro and they sat there together with the TV on in the background for the sake of it. She felt happy to be able to see Baro again after 2 long weeks.

 "Catherine." Baro asked as she looked up at him with her scared eyes looking right at him and she said to Baro, "


Baro kissed her head gently and then he said 

"What's wrong?" 

Catherine got confused,


She replied trying to hide that she was in danger because of her own boyfriend and how he beat her senseless sometimes.

"I know you're lying to me." Baro said he just wanted to help her out. 

"I'm okay Baro I promise." She didn't know what else to say to stop him questioning her about it. 

"Catherine please let me in please I can't bear to see you like this." He had tears in his eyes the message wasn't getting through to her at all that Baro wanted to help her. Catherine stood up and was just about to leave when Baro took her hand and spun her round to face him, he looked into her eyes and he said.

"Catherine please just hear me out okay, what Jake is doing to you isn't right you know it isn't but yet you decide to stay and let him do it, what is it going to take to make you leave him for good."

"Baro please stop, Jake loves me and maybe I deserve it for my failings as a girlfriend, I love Jake and Jake loves me so please just leave it at that okay."

And with that Catherine left and went to see Jake. Baro's heart broke in two this was killing him what was going on wasn't right but she couldn't see it at all. All he wanted was for Catherine to be okay and away from Jake but there was no way she was leaving him, he'd blackmailed her into thinking that she couldn't live without him even if she was beat by him on a daily basis.

Catherine came home to Jake waiting for her, the moment he saw he he grabbed her throat and slammed her body into the wall, "That was for not being home on time." Jake growled at her as he took her body and slammed her head into the wall quite hard three times which caused her to black out. When she came to she was in a ambulance on the way to hospital yet again. Jake had told them that she had been mugged on the way home and he just happened to be walking by as the attackers took off into the night. They got to the hospital and Catherine was taken for a brain scan right away and was put on pain medication to keep the pain away.

The doctor then came in to see her as Jake had gone away to get her some things from home."Catherine, how long has Jake been beating you for?"

"He, he hasn't I was mugged."

"The marks on your body don't match with any description of three muggers who wanted your purse."

Catherine just looked down at her arms and said nothing else the doctor knew it was going on but with no real cry for help couldn't really do much more unless she asked for help. The doctor looked at her and said

"Is there anyone we can call for you at all?"

"No."she replied just wanting the doctor to leave now and let her rest, which she did and with that she fell asleep but before she did Catherine quietly said to herself. "Help me Baro." And then she gradually fell asleep.

Meanwhile Baro was just sitting there heartbroken the hospital had called him and said what had happened to Catherine and what they thought Jake had been doing, it was without a doubt the worst phonecall he ever received and he just lost it and screamed out loud. Sandeul heard this and ran in to see what was going on.

"He, he put her in the hospital why is she still with him?"

"Baro calm down I know you are scared for Catherine right now we all are but all we can do is be there for her when she is finally ready to get away from him for good."

"I hope that day comes soon I really do I can't handle him doing this to her anymore."

Baro and Sandeul sat there all night just talking about everything that was going on and what he could do to help her before it's too late.

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