16. Support

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The next day and Baro took Catherine to a support group for women who had been beaten by their partners, it was suggested by her doctor that she went to this group. 

"I'll be sitting out here the entire time I PROMISE." 

Baro said as she walked in the room for the first time and sat at the back of the room, Baro hoped this would help her to try and move on even with Jake still on the run. It took a while for the room to fill up but when it did a woman who ran the support group stood at the front and began to speak.

"Hello everyone, I'm Amanda and welcome to another support meeting for abused women."

She seemed nice, Catherine held her guard up though she still didn't trust many people and was not sure if this was for her at all. Amanda knew that she was there and looked at her and knew exactly what thoughts were going through her mind.

 "I see a couple of new faces in the group today would anyone like to step up and introduce themselves."

 She looked directly at Catherine and then she stood up and walked to the front, of course everyone looked at her she still had some minor cuts and small bruises on her face from the attack. She knew she had to talk about this so she took a deep breath and said.

"I, I'm Catherine and you probably all know who I am, or who my boyfriend was."

She looked back at Amanda and she said "It's okay you can carry on." Catherine looked back at the room and continued.

"For anyone who doesn't know I wa... I was the girlfriend of Jake Weeks, and he's still on the run for my attempted murder."

Catherine saw people with the "It's her" look on their face, they had all heard the story and now they were meeting the victim of Jake Weeks. Catherine didn't know what else she could really say and she went and sat back down at the back of the room.

After the group was over another woman walked over to Catherine.

"Hi, I'm Meredith."


Meredith was outgoing Catherine could tell that. She sat down and they started talking.

"The first support group is always the worst."

"Are they?"

"They are, but it gets easier."

"All the it's her, looks felt awkward."

"What happened to you had a affect on all of us."

"It did?"

"Yeah, some of the women here have been through some violent things with our partners but none of us ever got taken hostage like you were."


"If you don't want to talk about it that's fine."

"I'm going to start to have to soon though."

"In your own time, never try and force anything."

"Okay, oh shoot I'd better go Baro is waiting for me."

"Okay see you at the next meeting?"

"Yeah, thanks for listening."

"Anytime, bye."


And then Catherine left and met Baro and the pair went back to the apartment. That afternoon Catherine was sat on the couch with Sandeul channel flicking, so many channels and neither of them knew what they wanted to watch, they ended up leaving cartoons on. Then Jinyoung came home as he did he walked up to the couch held Catherine's hand and said.

"I hope the support group went well today sweetheart."

And then he kissed her hand and left the room to finish up some important paperwork. CNU and Sandeul both witnessed this and they just looked at each other, Catherine didn't notice them doing it. A few seconds later Baro walked in oblivious to what had happened, he kissed Catherine on the head and sat by her side.

A couple of hours later CNU wanted to talk to Baro about Catherine and Jinyoung. He wasn't sure how Baro would react but he felt like he had to say something to Baro.

"Hey Baro."


"Sandeul and I saw something today and we aren't sure what to make of it."

"What did you see?"

"Jinyoung being really sweet to Catherine, I think he has feelings for her."

"Oh he does."

"You know?"

"Of course I do, Catherine is like a little sister to me I just automatically know when a guy likes her."

"Do you think she knows?"

"Not yet, please don't tell her, she needs some time to recover and if anyone is going to tell her it should be Jinyoung."

"Okay I won't."

"Thanks, remember when everyone used to say that they should of been together?"

"I do, like it was yesterday."

"He fell in love with her the first time he met her."

"For that long?"

"Yeah, then they met other people and everyone said that she should of been with him."

"Oh yeah! Do you think they will be together?"

"I do just not now, the time isn't right for it to happen."

"Thanks for listening."

"Anytime you can always come to me CNU."

Then they went to their rooms for the night.

Meanwhile Catherine was in her room writing in her diary and this is what she wrote.

"The first support group was today. It went well, I got a few "it's her" looks but deep down I was kind of expecting that. Also my feelings for Jinyoung have come back, he has been so sweet to me recently and the flame I had for him has returned. I know Baro knows I like him but it's probably not the best time for me to be in a relationship right now. I'd better sleep now, Gongchan has a surprise for me tomorrow, night diary."

Then she closed her diary and went to sleep.

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