13. Coming home

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Friday, it was the day that Catherine was leaving the hospital and going to live with Baro and the guys, she had recovered well physically nobody knew how she was mentally though. Catherine hadn't really been that keen to speak about what had been going on all that time she had been with Jake.

They had a small funeral for Sam in the hospital on the Wednesday, all she now had of her baby boy was a picture and prints of his tiny hands and feet. As she finished packing Baro came into the room, Catherine was so glad to see him.

"Time to go."

He said holding her hand and taking one last look at the hospital room.


She said cautiously as they left and went to a car at the back of the hospital, the press were still outside for her and for a a-list star who had just gone into labour only a few hours before. The car ride back was a longer one than usual but eventually they got back to the apartment. It was weird being back there after everything that had happened but Baro was just glad that Catherine was finally safe with him. She was still feeling tired so Baro once again put her in his bed to sleep for a little while.

Once Catherine had fallen asleep Baro left the room and looked out at the city from the apartment, Jake could be anywhere right now and nobody knew. As Baro walked back into his room he just looked at Catherine sleeping, he laid down next to her and kissed her head gently.

"I love you."

 He said to her, this was more than heartbreaking how much more could Catherine physically take?


Catherine whimpered in her sleep, it looked like she was scared of something. 

"It's okay I'm here." 

Baro said to her pulling her close to his heart. She calmed down and Baro just held her there, just then Jinyoung came in to check up on them.

"How is she?"

"Sleeping, I'm not going to leave her tonight she needs me."

"Yeah she does."

"I'm just worried about how this is going to affect her mentally."

"We won't know that for a while yet."

"I'm going to find a doctor who can help her through this."

"We all will Baro you can't do this by yourself."

"I am so grateful that you are I'd be lost without you guys."

"Okay, well I'll let you look after her tonight then tomorrow we'll all start helping out."

Jinyoung left and soon after that Baro fell asleep next to her.

The apartment was very quiet that night which was strange but it wouldn't stay that way for long.

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