7. Pain and sadness

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CNU,Sandeul,Gongchan and Jinyoing arrived at the hospital and sat in a waiting room for any news. It was a long wait but eventually Baro found them all. He walked in the look on his face that it wasn't good news at all, they all stood up to hear the news.

"She's lost the baby."

Sandeul fell to the floor, why did this have to happen to Catherine why? He really hated Jake now more than ever for doing this to her. They all wanted to see her for a while.

"What's going to happen to her?"

"She's going to be induced and give birth to the baby, I'd better get back to her."

He said before leaving to help Catherine through this ordeal, they couldn't believe it the baby was dead and they all blamed Jake for it. "That bastard." Gongchan said trying as hard as he could not to punch the wall in anger, they all sat back down and waited for a update.

Meanwhile Catherine had been induced and was terrified Baro walked back in and took her hand and in a instant she felt safe again.

 "I'm here now, we'll get through this together." 

He said kissing her head a midwife was in the room with them at this point.

 "The gel should take affect very quickly." 

She said before leaving the room. Catherine just looked at Baro, she just wanted this over with now he could see the fear in her eyes of having to give birth to a dead baby. All of a sudden Catherine had a contraction "a,ah." 

She gasped out in pain "it's alright I'm here." Baro said squeezing her hand a little bit a tear rolled down her cheek, Baro wiped it away and said

"Hey come on don't cry."

He said kissing her head he didn't know what else to say to her at that moment in time.

Back in the waiting room things were getting tense, "I'm scared." Gongchan said as he paced the room not knowing what else to really do. "Hey come on Baro is with her he'll be taking good care of her."

 CNU said getting him to sit down, 

"he's right we can't be stressed out we need to be strong for Catherine this is going to be tough on her." 

Jinyoung said as they all gathered round him they looked up at the clock, they had been there for over a hour now and were worried about how she was doing. Hopefully the police could finally do something about Jake they were pretty sure that this was mostly his doing. "I just want to hug her." Gongchan said still feeling very powerless and not knowing what to do with himself.

Meanwhile Catherine had been in utter agony and was now pushing.

"I can't do this Baro, it hurts too much." She cried out after one of the biggest pushes she had given so far. "You can Catherine I know you can, I'm not leaving you I promise."

Baro said wiping the sweat off of her forehead the midwife looked up at her and said, "Just a couple more really big pushes Catherine and it'll be over." Catherine took a deep breath and pushed "nnnnnnnnnnngh!" She grunted as each push took it's toll on her. "Nnnnnnnnnnngh." She pushed again,

"one last big push now sweetheart."

The midwife said Catherine looked at Baro he took both of her hands and held on tight she took one last breath and pushed for one last time.

"nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh, agh!"

Then Catherine fell back it was over the baby was laid on a blanket. "Wh,what was it?" She asked after getting her breath back. "A little boy would you like to hold him?" The midwife said, 

Catherine looked at Baro and then he said "you should." 

Then Catherine agreed and she was given her baby, he didn't even look like he was dead just sleeping. "I'm so sorry Sam."

 Catherine said to the child as she looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Sam knew you loved him." Baro said as he saw the child there in her arms.

A little while later Baro went tell the others as he went in the room he could feel how tense it was in there, they all looked up.

"It's done, the baby is out, a boy, she called him Sam and got to hold him for a while, she can come home with us in the mor..."

Then Baro broke down in tears he had held it together for her but now he couldn't hide how he really felt, his godson had been born dead and there was nothing he could do to change that. CNU, jinyoing, Sandeul and Gongchan all gathered round with Baro for a group hug, they just stood there and cried it out, nothing or nobody else mattered they were all hurting for Catherine and the loss of baby Sam

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