30. How life is meant to be

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18 months later

Baro Sandeul and Gongchan were all sat in the apartment waiting by the phone for a important phone call from Jinyoung. Baro was anxious but he knew that Catherine was in good hands right now. They all tried not to stare at the phone but it was hard not to.

Hospital a place Catherine knew all to well but this time she wasn't here for something bad it was good this time. She felt Jinyoung squeeze her hand back a little which gave her some comfort through the pain. He was being the best husband in the world right now, he had been during the entire pregnancy and he was more than ready to become a father.

"Keep going Jagiya, I'm right here."

He said as Catherine gave another push and this time she cried out a little when the head came out. She took a few deep breaths and then Jinyoung said to her.

"You are doing so well, I am so proud of you."

Jinyoung then kissed Catherine and patted the sweat off of her forehead she had been pushing for quite a while now it was tiring but they were getting their baby at the end of this, then the midwife looked at them both and then she said.

"Okay Catherine this is it now just one last big push and your baby will be here."

Then Catherine got all the strength inside of her that she had and pushed one more time. Jinyoung being a great support to her all the way through.

"You're almost there Jagiya the baby is almost here now."

Jinyoung said as finally their baby came into the world. As the baby fully came out Catherine fell back a little and rested on Jinyoung and then their baby started to cry, a sound they were both very glad to hear.

"You have a beautiful baby girl."

The doctor said as she gave Catherine the baby to hold for the first time, both Catherine and Jinyoung were crying as they looked at their daughter for the first time.

"We made her." Catherine said now starting to calm down and just looking at their baby.

Back at the apartment it was still very tense nobody had heard anything yet and they all hoped that things would now be okay. And then after hours of waiting the phone finally rang, Baro put the phone on loud speaker so they could all hear.

"Are you guys all there."

"Yeah Jinyoung we are."

"It's a girl."

"A girl, congratulations guys."

"Thank you she is so beautiful."

"When can we come and see you all?"

"Soon we are just going to recovery now."

"How is Catherine doing?"

"She's doing great, of course she feels tired but that's to be expected."

"Okay we'll be in later on, congrats again."

"Thanks bye guys."

And then the phone call ended and Baro had the biggest smile on his face he was ready to meet his new goddaughter right away.


A few hours later and everyone got to the hospital to see the baby, Amanda and CNU were the last to arrive they all met up and then went in to see them both. When they got in the room Catherine was sitting there holding the baby who was now sleeping in her arms after a feed. She smiled as they all walked in and looked at the little girl. Jinyoung was at the other side of the bed and then he said.

"We decided to call her Yoona."

Everyone loved her name and then Catherine gave Yoona to Baro, he held his goddaughter in his arms and smiled at her, then Yoona opened her eyes and saw Baro. He kissed her and then he said.

"My precious goddaughter your mom and dad have waited a long time for you, so have I you are the miracle we have all waited for, Jung Yoona you have a big family who all love you very much and I promise you now that I will always be here for you no matter what."

And then he kissed Yoona again, then everybody else got a chance to hold Yoona while that was going on Amamnda and Catherine got to talking.

"How is little man doing?"

"He'a great we had his two month check up today he's gained 2kilos since his last check up."

"That's good."

"It is and Shinwoo is a amazing dad to him."

"Jinyoung has been the same too I guess becoming daddies changed them in a way."

"Yeah and naming him after his dad sure helped."

"Did it?"

"Yeah he is carrying on the family name."


Then Shin Dongwoo jr woke up Catherine looked over and Gongchan was the last to hold Yoona. He'd held her for a little while and then she was given back to Catherine and CNU had just picked his son up.

"Did you just want attention?" He said to his son who had stopped whimpering the very moment he was picked up and had a smile on his face. CNU walked with the baby over to Amanda and then Amanda took him and then the babies were then introduced to each other.

"And to think only 2 months ago shinwoo jr was Yoona's size now." Sandeul said as the babies just looked at each other they all agreed and then the nurse came in and took a picture of them all together.


2 months later

Catherine and Baro were at the cemetery with Yoona, they were taking her to see her brother. They got to where he was buried and then Catherine sat down near to his headstone.

"Hello my precious boy, I brought someone to meet you today."

Baro then took Yoona out of the buggy and gave her to Catherine to hold.

"This is Yoona, she's your sister. I promise she will always know who you are she will know who her big brother is no matter what."

After that Baro put Yoona back in her buggy and then they left the graveyard and went back home again.

Once they got back Jinyoung had some cuddles with Yoona while Catherine made her up a bottle so that he could give her a feed. As she gave him the bottle she went and sat with Baro and they got to talking.

"Everything feels right now."

"It does I'm married, have a beautiful daughter and the most amazing friends I could ever ask for."

Baro held her hand and then he said.

"You have everything you could ever want."

"Thanks to you Baro, if it wasn't for you I would of been killed by Jake you saved my life from misery and showed me the way to Jinyoung's love and what my life should be."

"I'd go to the ends of the earth for you Catherine, I always have and I always will do you have been my closest friend all of my life and I will always be here for you."

And then they hugged and walked over to Jinyoung who had just finished feeding Yoona, Catherine and Jinyoung kissed and then they all sat there like a happy family should be.

The end

- If you or someone you know is going through domestic abuse seek help right away and keep talking until you are heard, it's not your fault and there is always hope for you.

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