28. Rooftop Emotions

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The next day Catherine woke up to Jinyoung stroking her hair away from her face.

"Did you sleep well?"

He asked pulling her close to his body, she nuzzled next to him and replied.

"I did, is anyone else awake?"

"No it's just us." Jinyoung replied with a smile and then they started kissing and were holding onto each other and then Catherine said.

"You wanna have a little bit of fun?"

"More than anything."

Jinyoung replied as they kissed even more and Jinyoung went to his top drawer for something.

Meanwhile CNU and Amanda woke up and they could hear a noise coming from Catherine and Jinyoungs room, CNU already knew what they were doing he had heard it once before.

"Are they?"

Amanda shyly asked CNU, he held her close to him and said.

"Yup they are having sex right now."

Amanda smiled and then she and CNU kissed again, she was glad to be with him now she had nothing to fear, yes her ex was in jail for life for her attempted murder but she had been scared to move on, until she met CNU and everything changed from there.

A little while later Catherine and Jinyoung were just laying there so in love and ready for whatever was to come next in their lives together. Jinyoung had to go out that day he didn't want to leave her but he knew he had to go.

"I'd better get ready, will you be okay?"

"Yeah Baro's here."

"Of course he's your superhero."

"As are you."

"I know."

They kissed again and Jinyoung got dressed and Catherine went into the kitchen, when she walked into the room everyone else was now awake and starting their days. Cat smiled and got herself some breakfast, then Jinyoung walked out and had something quick to eat and then he kissed Catherine again and said.

"Have a good day Jagiya."

"You too."

And then he left to do what he needed to do that day. After Catherine ate she went and got dressed and put some make up on. She smiled for the first time in a long time she felt free, free from what once was. She had come through so much and she had to thank one person. Catherine then looked for a piece of paper and a pen which she found and then she wrote a note for Baro on it and slipped it under his bedroom door while he was taking a shower. She got her ipod and went up to the roof without anyone else seeing her.

5 minutes later Baro was done in the shower and was dressed ready for the day when he saw a piece of paper on the floor with Catherine's handwriting on it, confused he picked it up and opened it, Catherine had written.

"Meet me on the roof."

He smiled and took the short walk up to the roof of the building. He didn't know what he was going to see up there but there was no going back now. As soon as he opened the door he heard a play button pressing on Catherine's ipod.

"I've been driving for an hour
Just talking to the rain."*

He smiled, the song he knew all too well and then Catherine stepped out from behind a corner, Baro looked at his friend and smiled.

"Our song."

He said as they both stood there together this was the first time they had been up on the roof together in a while. Baro looked at her and then he asked.

"Why are we up here?"

Catherine smiled and then she said to him.

"I just want to thank you for everything Baro. You never stopped caring about me, for worrying about me when Jake was beating me, for that time when you let me in at 5am, being there supporting me when Sam was stillborn, he will always be your godson even though he's not here with us.

A tear rolled down her cheek and Baro wiped it away trying not to cry himself. Then Catherine continued to talk to him.

"And you also brought me to the man I should of always been with, but most of all thank you for never giving up on me even when that's what I wanted you to do, you are my superhero and you always will be."

Then they hugged as the song continued to play in the background.

"And I Give you just a little time
I, Wonder if you realize
I've been waiting till I see it in your eyes."*

Then Baro looked at her and they were both crying now he managed to calm himself down and he said.

"Catherine you are my number 1 girl you know that, and no matter what happens I will always fight to the death for you no matter what is happening. When we moved to the city I promised your mom that I would look out for you no matter what happened in your life good or bad. And I always will because you are so dear to me that I could never let anything happen to you."

Catherine smiled and as she was holding his hands she said to Baro.

"I was talking to mom yesterday and she said that there is one thing you have to do for her, and Jinyoung agreed with her."

"What is it Catherine?"

"Give me away when I marry Jinyoung."

Baro smiled he knew that her dad had left shortly after she had been born and that it was just her and her mom for many years and this meant a lot to him.

"Of course I will."

Catherine smiled and then they stood there and looked out over at the city together as the song was still playing.

"So I whisper in the dark,
Hoping you hear me
Do you hear me?"*

They both looked at each other and smiled once again things were finally falling into place for Catherine and all they could do now was look forward to the future and the wedding. This wasn't the end, it was just the begining.

* - song "breathe" by Michelle Branch

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