2. Brutal

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Catherine woke up the next morning to find that Jake was long gone now and he had left a note she looked at it and it said.

"remember if you tell Baro I'll kill you!"

She gulped and put her clothes on then she walked into the kitchen and saw that jake had taken all the food and he had left another note,

 "no food for you, you're too fat." 

a tear rolled own her eye and then she saw herself in the mirror, there were hand marks around her neck from where Jake had strangled her the night before. she put on a top that hopefully covered the marks up and covered the bruises on her wrists with make up so nobody would know. Then she picked up her purse and left the house as soon as she did Jake called, she wasn't sure what he wanted but she knew that she had to pick it up, so she did.


" I know where you are going, you'd better not say a word to him at all."

"I won't I promise."

"Good because if you do Catherine I'll kill Baro in front of you and then I'll kill you do I make myself clear?"

"yes Jake."

"Good now piss off I have more important shit to deal with than my fat whore of a girlfriend.""Bye."

and then she hung up and just went to Baro's she needed to see him right now but he could never know what was going on. As soon as she saw him Catherine hugged him tight, boy was it good to see Baro she thought to herself as they sat down and started to talk.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, Baro I'm fine."


"Yeah please don't worry."

Baro could see it in her eyes that she was screaming for help but she wasn't talking. he held both her hands and he said.

"Look Catherine you can tell me okay you know you can."

"I can't."


"You'll be killed if I tell you that's why."

"Who would want to kill me?"

"Baro I can't tell you I'm sorry I just can't okay."

Catherine then stood up to leave and before she did Baro pulled her back and saw the marks on her neck, he automatically knew what was happening.he put hisfibgers on them gently and softly ran them over that marks.

"Did Jake do this to you?"

Catherine couldn't look at him and then he knew he was right.

"hey, how long has this been going on for?"

Catherine couldn't speak she just left and said"I'm Sorry."

Then she walked out of the house and back to her place where she was greeted by her boyfriend.

"You little cunt you told him didn't you?!"

oh crap he already knew.

"No, he figured it out himself."


Then all of a sudden Jake grabbed Catherine and slammed her skull into the wall causing her to black out for while when she came to Jake was kicking her and scremaing at her."THIS IS WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU DISOBEY ME YOU STUPID UGLY LITTLE BITCH!"

Then he stopped and just left her there on the floor, he really didn't care what happened to her all. Catherine just laid there for a while calming herself down and telling herself that Jake would come and help her in a second. Then just like she knew he would Jake came and helped her out."You know I don't want to do things like this to you but you gave me no choice you let Baro find out so as punishment you aren't leaving the house until these are cleared up and Baro is not allowed to visit you."

"Okay I'm sorry Jake."

"Good girl."

Jake put Catherine into bed and kept a close eye on her just incase she died in the night, that whack to the wall was pretty hard. he just looked at her sleeping there she looked so sweet like nothing was bad about her at all.

meanwhile baro was talking to Jinyoung he had been a mess since he found out that jake was beating Catherine.

"So he is beating her?"

"yes and probably more."

"I've noticed that she is a lot less confident than she once was."

"I just want to help her."

"There isn't much we can do for her Baro, she needs to go to the police herslef and say he is the one beating her."

"I know this system is so fucked up."

Then Baro got a text.

Catherine: Baro please don't worry about me I am fine honest, I love you x xhe looked at the text and his heart broke there was nothing that he could do to help her out and that just broke Baro's heart knowing he was powerless over the entire situation.

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