19. Fears for Catherine

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CNU was shocked he didn't even know Meredith personally but he knew that she was one Catherine's girlfriends.

"H...How?" He asked Amanda just so he could tell the others later on when Catherine was away from them all.

"She went back to her apartment alone to get her things and Damon had broken in, while she wasn't looking he then ran at her with a knife and stabbed Meredith to death."

CNU was shocked he didn't really know what to say the only thought in his mind was "poor Meredith." He didn't say that out loud but he then said to Amanda.

"O..ok thanks for telling me, we'll look after Catherine well."

and then the phonecall ended. "What did Amanda say?" A very worried Sandeul asked trying to help comfort a trembling crying Catherine on the kitchen floor, CNU looked at them all and he calmly said.

"Meredith was stabbed to death by her former partner."

They all stopped in their tracks, Meredith dead, how was this allowed to happen? they all thought to themselves. What if Jake had killed Catherine, this made them all worry. She was now just lying there in Baro's arms like she wasn't even in the room with them at all.

"I'm putting her in bed."

Baro said as he picked Catherine up off the floor and walked her to her room. The others were just in shock, then Gongchan started looking round for something to give to Catherine to keep her strength up like some food or a hot drink.

"Wh, why did this happen?" Jinyoung asked

"I don't know I'm still trying to figure it out myself." CNU replied as they sat down to talk about this.

"What if it had been Catherine killed by Jake today?"

"Come on Jinyoung don't think about things like that."

"But I do CNU, Jake is still out there and he could show up here at any time he wants and kill her."

"I will not let him get to her at all no way nor will Baro."

Just then Baro walked in and sat with them, he was so worried about Catherine, he put her in her bed but she didn't go to sleep like he had hoped her to, she just lay there with the blankest expression on her face. It killed Baro inside to know that she was hurting so bad.

"She's asleep."

He said worried about how this would affect her now. Gongchan heard this and stopped looking for food for her and also sat with them. This hit home that things like this do happen and it happened to someone Catherine had made a connection with through what they both went through.

"What do we do now?" Jinyoung asked to break the awkward silence in the room. CNU looked around and said.

"Wait until she wakes up and see how she is."


Then Sandeul asked the question nobody else dared to ask.

"Will she try and take her life again because of this?"

They all understood what he said, they had all thought it too but didn't want to say it out loud. Gongchan looked at the clock it was 8:20pm all this happened in a hour or so since the phone call, it didn't seem real to any of them that Meredith's life had so quickly been taken like it was. Then Baro replied to Sandeuls question with.

"We all need to keep a eye on her."

"What like, a suicide watch?" Gongchan asked it was a scary thought for all of them right now.

"Yes a suicide watch, we can't be too careful like Sandeul said she could try to take her life again and there is no way I am going to allow that to happen at all."

Just then Catherine walked out of her room she looked like she was in a daze and very lost. They all turned around to see her standing there looking how she did.

"you're awake." CNU said trying to get her to speak.

"I, I need to see Meredith." Catherine insisted nobody was sure why she said that. Baro walked closer to her and said, "Why Catherine?"

"I, I need to know that it's actually her and that no mistake has been made and it's someone else."

"Catherine you just had a big shock, now isn't the best time to see her okay." Baro said which Catherine quickly replied with.

"No, I need to see her now." As she started walking to the door, Baro followed her he really did not want her going out right now.

as she got to the door Baro wrapped his arms round her and Catherine tried to get away from him.

"Please Baro, let go, please I need to see her."

"Not right now, not right now."


Catherine screamed as she had a breakdown and sank to the floor in Baro's arms and started to cry once again.

"I'm here." Baro said picking her back up and taking her back to her room for some sleep. As they walked through Gongchan walked up and kissed her hand as a little gesture of comfort to Catherine. Baro put Catherine back into bed and said to her.

"It's going to be okay I promise."

"Okay." Catherine said as she got comfy in bed. Baro kissed her head and left the room so she could get some sleep.

Catherine felt so much pain that she was just done. She planned to take her life again but she heard about the suicide watch and had to be sure that nobody was in her room when she went backwards out of her bedroom window.

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