14. Haunted

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Three weeks later and Jake was still on the run, he must of gone into hiding. Catherine hadn't left the apartment once since she had got back from the hospital. She had a room there now and was grateful that it had been so nicely made up for her. Most days Catherine just looked out of the window wondering where Jake was, if he was plotting to kill her and Baro. She hadn't slept properly for a couple of days and everyone was getting concerned. The media attention had died down now but the police did re assure Catherine that they wouldn't rest until he was found alive.



She smiled a little as he sat by her side and put his arm around her shoulder he'd been really worried about her, yes she did have a therapist go in to the apartment and see her but he wasn't really sure how it was going.

"I heard you crying again last night."

"I'm sorry I don't know why I keep doing it."

"It's okay sometimes crying is a good thing."

"Is it though?"

"I believe that it is."

Then he kissed her head and said.

"It'll get easier, you know it will."


Then Baro came in, he knew they would all be going out and that meant leaving Catherine alone in the apartment for the first time in three weeks, usually one of them had been there at all times but today it wasn't possible.

"Will you be okay?"

"Yeah I'll just sleep."

"Okay, I love you."

"Love you."

And then they left locking the apartment door as they did. And then it was Catherine on her own in the apartment, nobody knew that she could hear Jake's voice in her head all the time, it started when she first arrived at the hospital after what she had gone through in those long twelve hours. She tried to cover her ears and block it out but sadly it never happened all she could hear was Jake's voice taunting her and nothing else. She sat there shaking and crying, for two hours she just cried and cried then all of a sudden she knew what she had to do the one thing that could make it all stop bit first she had to tell the boys, so she set up her phone braced herself and pressed record and made a video. It was very difficult but she managed to do it, she didn't watch it back she just sent it to them all. Catherine then just walked round her room she found it hard to breathe and had to sit on the floor for a couple of minutes. Then she went to the bathroom.

Meanwhile Sandeul had just left a friends house and was about to go to the store when he checked his phone, 1 video message from Catherine. He was confused, there was a bench nearby so he sat down and put his headphones in and played the video.

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